⇢︎ Chapter 74 : Runaways

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Y/n's breathing hitches when he glances down seeing the streets below him as Itona ran from rooftop to rooftop

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Y/n's breathing hitches when he glances down seeing the streets below him as Itona ran from rooftop to rooftop. Despite being secured in Itona's arms, Y/n could feel his gut turn and twist with fear and worry. He clutched onto the back of Itona's shirt tightly, as he held onto his teddy even tighter.

"L-Let me go, Itona!" Y/n shouted, his voice failing him as he stuttered. "Itona! You need to clear your mind! You're going to make a mistake that you will regret!! Please Itona!" He was starting to cry.

"Shut up, SHUT UP!!" Itona yelled, snapping at Y/n as his head hurt him more by the second.

Y/n felt tears prick the side of his eyes as he had no choice but to trust Itona to keep him safe. His breathing was rapid as he shook his head to clear his vision. He mumbled pleas to Itona, begging him to stop or at least put him down.

Itona suddenly jumped from one rooftop and landed harshly. However, his balance failed him as he missed placed his footing. Y/n let out a small scream as he was dragged down with Itona who was falling. Fortunately, large and multiple bags of garbage bags cushioned their landing.

Y/n groaned as he sat up. He rubbed his head before rubbing the tears away from his eyes with his sleeve. Looking up, he noticed that teddy was laying in front of him. In a small panic, Y/n quickly scooped teddy in his arms and held the toy close to his chest. He hiccupped after a moment before looking around.

"I-Itona?" Y/n called out. "Itona?!" He didn't like to be alone in a place he didn't know by heart.

"Y-Y/n..." A rigid voice of multiple people replied.

Y/n stumbled to get up, almost slipping as a banana peel slipped off of his shoulder. He carefully, but slowly, moved away from the garbage bags he was on as he made his way towards where he heard Itona's voice. After a moment, Y/n found Itona curled in a ball holding his head.

Y/n's eyes slightly widened. He kneeled down next to Itona as he put his teddy to the side where he could still see it. "Itona..."

"Y/n..." Itona huffed out, tears rolling down his cheeks as he used the weakened strength he had to look up at Y/n. "Help... me... It hurts... Make it go away! Y/n... it hurts so much!!"

"Please calm down, please calm down..." Y/n whispered as he held Itona close to him, carefully holding Itona's head in his hand. "It's okay. Please, please, please calm down. I'm right here, Itona."

Itona let out a scream of agony as he trashes in Y/n's hold, clutching his head. "Make it go away! Make the pain stop!! Y/N!!"

Y/n's breathing went frantic again as he tried to hold onto Itona, but his thrashing prevented Y/n from doing so. Without much choice, Y/n grabbed his teddy and zipped the zipper. He searched inside his teddy for a moment before pulling out a small test tube bottle.

Y/n used his mouth to pull off the lid of the test tube before trying to carefully give it to Itona. However, Itona refused, and in his state of mind he didn't even know what was happening. Pain filled Itona's sensors, making him unable to even open his eyes.

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