Chapter 13

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Yatsuhashi makes his way to the arena as he waits for his opponent. Then after a few seconds he sees his opponent and gets ready for the fight.

Benkei: Greetings I am Musashibou Benkei, it will be an honour fighting you

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Benkei: Greetings I am Musashibou Benkei, it will be an honour fighting you.

Yatsu: I share the same sentiment as well and my name is Yatsuhashi Daichi and I am looking forward to this fight and hoping to learn from this.

Benkei: I see, then I will help guide you through this fight Yatsuhashi.

Merlin: Fighters ready and Begin!!

Yatsu charges at Benkei as he uses his sword, he delivers swings towards Benkei but he blocks it using his weapons to block Yastu's attacks. They continue doing as the timer goes down. Yatsu was able to deliver heavy strikes but due to Benkei's strength he was able to block it. Yatsu tries other methods, but Benkei was still able to block it or parry it back.

Merlin (Prototype): And times up. Benkei you may now attack your opponent.

Benkei nods as he brings out his dual swords and charges at Yatsu, he tries to block and party it. He was successfully able to block some of his attacks but the strikes were strong. Then Benkei hits Yatsu's sword as it flies out of his hands then he quickly puts his two blades in Yatsu's neck in a scissors lock as Yatsu's sword hits the ground.

Benkei: Yield

Yatsu: I yield.

Benkei sheathes his swords and helps Yatsu up as Merlin announces the winner of the fight.

Merlin: And Benkei wins this fight!!

Coco: At least Yatsu didn't get hurt compared to Team RWBY.

Velvet: Speaking of Team RWBY, how are they?

Pyrrha: Jaune told me that both Ruby and Blake are fine and they just woke up. Nightingale healed them and are on their way back here. As for Weiss and Yang, they are still unconscious and are still being treated for multiple broken bones.

Coco: Geez, that Servant really did a number on them.

Merlin: And next on our list is....

As Merlin spins the wheel.

Merlin (Prototype): Coco Adel!!

Coco: Shit. Well wish me luck guys.

Coco then proceeds to the arena and waits for her opponent. After a few seconds she sees her.

 After a few seconds she sees her

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