Chapter 37

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Ozpin is in Shade Academy in the Headmaster's office as he is speaking to Theodore about the situation.

Theodore: So Ironwood revealed everything you kept secret. To be honest I was upset you didn't let me join in on that secret but I understand your reasons.

Ozpin: I know, but you had to understand that if this went out in public it would be chaos.

Theodore: Yes, I know. Remnant is in chaos right now. I heard a lot of organisations right now want those Servants and Magecraft.

Ozpin: It's going to be a lot of work but we can manage. Mr. Pendragon contacted me and they made an alliance with the White Fang, all of Adam Taurus's Cell is destroyed.

Theodore: That's good, one less problem to worry about.

Ozpin: And I just heard from one of the other Servants that the Red Faction has captured Raven and are bringing her back to Beacon and from what we heard she is the Spring Maiden.

Theodore: A Maiden? That's surprising but a victory for us, since we have all 3 Maidens.

Ozpin: Yes, but we still have to find the Summer Maiden.

Just then the doors open and all the Roman Servants enter.

Just then the doors open and all the Roman Servants enter

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