Chapter 40

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Jaune and the rest of the Beacon staff and students alongside the Servants are back in Chaldea, they were joined by Winter, Whitley and the now former Ace Ops. When they arrived,it was quiet. They all load up the bodies and prepare a proper burial for all of them. In the Command Center, Ozpin, Glynda, and Qrow are having a discussion with Gilgamesh (Caster), Da Vinci, Sherlock, and the two Merlins.

Gilgamesh (Caster): This is unacceptable! That Mongrel will pay for what he has done!

Sherlock: Indeed Atlas must answer for their inhumane crimes.

Glynda: I know, but we need to find a way to do this by the book.

Qrow: Screw that Glynda! Ironwood killed children! Children, God Dammit!

Glynda: I know that! But we can't just attack them! What about Mantle, the innocent people in Atlas that have nothing to do with this!

Da Vinci: You need to understand that Atlas will do the same to the other Kingdoms. They won't stop until they get what they want.

Merlin: It's true, we must act now, before it's too late. Don't worry, we have a way to keep Mantle safe and those in Atlas that we deemed worthy to be saved.

As Merlin gestures a individual to enter and they see Pietro Polendina and Penny Polendina.

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Ozpin: Ah Pietro, it's good to see you're safe

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Ozpin: Ah Pietro, it's good to see you're safe.

Pietro: Indeed Ozpin, (Sighs) We were lucky we were able to escape Atlas, after what Ironwood did. I couldnt take it anymore and left Atlas with Penny.

Penny: It's true, the Atlas Council is desperate and want the Servants for their own personal gain.

Ozpin: I see.

Pietro: Penny I think it's best you meet with your friends. We have important matters to discuss.

Penny: Of course Father.

As Penny leaves the Command Center.

Sherlock: Now on to business. As you all know due to the attack by Atlas the Servants are spread thin, we have the Knights of the Round protecting Vale, while the Japanese are in Menagerie, the Roman and Hassans in Vacou, and the French in Mistral. We need to send Servants to locations that Atlas might attack.

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