Chapter 21

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In Combat Class another team is being lead out in a stretcher as the Servant, who was Mordred. No surprise there, beat the shit out of them.

Siegfried: Now that the match is done. We have one last match for the class. Would anyone like to volunteer or would you like me to choose?

Mercury: I'll do it.

Siegfried: Alright, head down here and we'll pick someone to fight you.

Mercury: Actually I want to fight him.

As Mercury points at Jaune.

Siegfried: I'm sorry but we usually don't do student vs student matches. I'll just have you pick one of-

Jaune: Actually Siegfried I can do it.

Siegfried: Are you sure Jaune?

Mordred whispers to Siegfried.

Mordred: Sherlock gave an announcement, that kid is trouble, let Master deal with him.

Siegfried: Fine, Jaune you can fight him. Head towards the arena to start the match.

Jaune nods as he heads down to the arena as he gets ready. Mercury arrives all geared up.

Jaune: Lanling you ready to teach this guy a lesson.

Lanling: 'Of course Master.'

As Jaune gets enveloped in a bright Light as he fuses with his Servant.

As Jaune gets enveloped in a bright Light as he fuses with his Servant

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Mercury looks at Jaune/Lanling as he looked familar.

Mercury: 'Wait a minute is this the kid I ran into in the hallway?'


Mercury is walking down the hallway and sees someone in front of him. He sees Lanling but he is not wearing his mask right now

Mercury: 'Heh, is this suppose to be one of the Summons everyone is talking about? With that face he doesn't look so tough, pretty boy is only good for his looks

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Mercury: 'Heh, is this suppose to be one of the Summons everyone is talking about? With that face he doesn't look so tough, pretty boy is only good for his looks. I bet I can take this girl out easily. Hahahahaha'

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