Chapter 46

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Jaune is in the Summoning Room as usual as he is just standing around and thinking. He doesn't if the Relic of Creation will allow the Throne of Heroes to make his Family a vessel for the Servants. He could maybe use something here in Chaldea, but what. His thoughts were interrupted when Mash came in inside.

Mash: Oh Senpai!

Jaune: Hello Mash.

Mash: What are you doing here Senpai?

Jaune: Just thinking on what can we do to revive my Family. I'm trying to remember if we have any Grails we have acquired from the Singularities or Lostbelts.

Mash: I'm not sure we have any of those around anymore Senpai, maybe you should ask Da Vinci maybe she would know if there are some laying around.

Jaune: Sure, I'll go ask her.

As Jaune looks at the Summoning Room.

Jaune: I'll stay around here for a while Mash. If anyone's looking for me, I'll be here.

Mash: Of course Senpai.

As Mash takes her leave, Jaune heads to the Summoning Area as he does the usual Servant Summoning. He places the Saint Quartz as it begins the summoning process. Jaune watches as he waits to see which Servant he summoned this time or if he will get garbage.

Then Jaune sees his newest Servant has been summoned and at first glance Jaune was confused.

Jaune: 'Did I summon an older Nemo?'

Then the newest Servant introduce himself.

Then the newest Servant introduce himself

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Noah: Servant Grand Rider, I am Nemo. But you can also refer to me as Noah. Tell me, are you my Master?

Jaune: Yes I am, and my name is Jaune Pendragon, but you can just refer to me as Jaune.

Noah nods as they look and the Summoning Altar shows that another Servant is about to be summoned. Jaune waits for the summoning to finish as he sees his new Servant.

 Jaune waits for the summoning to finish as he sees his new Servant

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