Part 12

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Sana's P.O.V. 

I was walking through the market, observing every lady there. Everyone were bargaining and I was lost. I looked at the list and looked around to spot everything. I went to one vendor and asked, "How much are for the tomatoes?" "40 rupees per pound," he said. "Umm...give me two pounds then," I said. He weighed it and filled it in my bag. I paid him and went on to ask about the other vegetables. I bought everything on the list at the same vendor and at the end, I asked, "How much?" "1500 rupees," he said. I nodded and took out the money Sharad gave me. It was only 900 rupees. I sighed and revised the list. I knew I got everything in the correct quantities but couldn't understand why he gave me so much less money. "You were supposed to bargain," a voice said behind me. I turned around to see Megha. She pleasantly smiled at me. "I..." I said turning to the vendor. "Sir, can you please give me the vegetables for 900?" I asked. "Ma'am, you bought vegetables worth 1500, I can't reduce the price," he said. Helpless and seeing no other way, I took the remaining balance out of my own money and paid him. "Thank you ma'am," he said beaming with happiness. I turned back to Megha and said, "Thank you but I don't know how to bargain. Please don't tell Sharad that I used my own money to pay." I left with the vegetables and went back to the home. Sharad met me at the gate and asked, "How much did everything come up?" "900," I said smiling nervously, "Exactly the amount you gave me." "Did you bargain?" He asked. "Of course. I never knew that bargaining was this easy. Do you know, that vendor was calling 1500! But I was able to make him reduce the price of every vegetable I bought," I lied. "I see," he said, "Don't tell me you bought all the vegetables by only one vendor." Words refused to come to me. "Did you?" He asked. "Of course not! I bought by different vendors," I said. "Hmm..." he hummed. "These bags are really heavy. I'll rest them in the kitchen," I said. I escaped all his follow up questions that were about to come and went to the kitchen.

As soon as I got there, I began unpacking the goods and looking around the kitchen to know exactly where to keep them. I looked at the time and it was three o' clock. In one hour, they would be expecting tea and some snack. I bit my nails and thought, "What should I make? What do I know to make?" Again, I turned to the Internet and got a simple pakora recipe. I created the batter and got cauliflower since there were lots. I dipped it into the batter and dropped it in the boiling oil. I looked online also how to make tea since I never once made it myself. I was hustling to get everything done and ran around the kitchen. "Sana, is the tea ready...?" Sharad asked coming in. He stopped and inhaled the air. "What are you making?" He asked. "Gobi ke pakore (cauliflower fritters)," I said. "They smell amazing," he said. I felt a lot encouraged and it boosted my enthusiasm to feed it to everyone. "One good news for you," he said, "You don't have to cook dinner tonight because it's a potluck so everyone will contribute a dish like always." I nodded saying, "That means, I can enjoy the party without having to cook." "You have to serve though," he said. "You mean, a waitress?" I asked. He nodded. "Don't tell me that I have to wear an uniform as well," I said. He chuckled saying, "No you don't. You can wear whatever clothes you want. But still, dress nicely. It will be a bit more special for you." "What do you mean?" I asked. "He means that you will be losing a bet to me," Sidharth said coming. Sharad looked a bit nervous and sweat began to form on his forehead. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yes, it's just a bit heated in here," he said. "It's all done. Let's take it out," I said. He held the tray of fritters while I walked behind with the tray of tea. "Let's hope this atleast tastes good," Sidharth whsipered to me and walked ahead. Reaching the courtyard, everyone came around and I made their tea according to their preference. They all enjoyed the fritters which made me relieved after the lunch I cooked for them. "Sana," Sidharth said behind me. I turned around and he said, "Ahhh..." Involuntarily, I opened my mouth and he pushed a piece of food into it. "You haven't eaten lunch, I saw. Eat something to remain until dinner," he said. "Sidharth, the cake..." Daljeetji said coming to us but stopped upon seeing me. "Let's go," he said and left with her.

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