3.Glimpse of Past

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James was really popular among the girls and everyone tries to stay close to him...James was intelligent, he used to participate in every sport, he always topped in class and he was too nice and helpful..All these qualities made him stand out from others and attract girls even boys too towards him..As James had lots of admirers so he used to be the number one flirt in the school too...

At the age of 17 years, James got a girl pregnant which turned his life upside down, The girl tried to abort the child with the help of one of her senior friends but due to some health condition, she couldn't do that...

The Girl's dad was very strict, she knew that to save his family's reputation her dad can go to any extent even if he has to murder his own daughter, he won't hesitate...his dad was a local mafia of local areas... She was so scared of all this that one night she ran away from her home...the girl turned 18 a few months before the pregnancy but James has not attained his legal age to have sex...

When she told James all this, being a responsible person James told his family to accept the girl but the family refused to accept the girl and asked her to return to her parents...

The girl cried so much and begged James not to send her to her parents else they will kill her, James has no money and resources to help Sia and even he was a minor, but he decided no matter what he won't let the girl suffer alone and he called his grandfather from his father's side the only grandparent he has (James's mom and Tharn's dad were siblings...James and Tharn's common grandparents are already dead when Jammy and Tammy were too small)..

When James asked his grandfather for help... His Grandfather first talked to his parents to accept the girl and child but when they refused, then his grandfather arranged their visa and tickets by using all his power and resources in Thailand and US and called them Georgia to stay with him...

James's grandfather loved James a lot and he always believed that James is not in good hands coz James's parents were always busy with work, parties, and gambling and James needed someone responsible to take care of them...their parents could have handled the situation better, they should have asked their son not to abandon someone after committing mistakes but they did the exact opposite of what they should do...

James joined his grandfather's business and side by side studied in a good college while Sia waited for a year to give birth to Type and then resumed her studies... Though James's Grandfather has good money and power nothing was impossible for them...

James's parents were unhappy with James's decision and cut all their ties with James...But when James's grandfather falls sick then James's parents visit Georgia for James's Grandfather's final rituals...James's parents never liked Sia & during that visit, they fought most of the time...His parents asked James to come back home but only on one condition when he will leave the girl and child.. James refused and he never went back to Thailand nor did his parents come to Georgia after James's grandfather's death...they talked sometimes on calls but never tried to see each other....

After his grandfather's death, James got all his property and started living a good life there...

Meanwhile here Tharn was really sad that James left him and moved to Georgia he cried a lot but James said he really needed to leave Thailand, Tharn was only 13 years at that time so James didn't explain to him the reason...

When Tharn turned 14 years he got the news That James became a father and then Tharn understood why James left the country....during that period James lost his grandfather and he declared Tharn as his son's Godfather coz after his Grandfather only Tharn was the one who loved him & supported him emotionally....

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