36. Jealousy

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Tharn: Stopped himself after a long kiss.. he tried to pull himself but Type stopped...

Type: Please phi...

Tharn: Type No...

Type: Why??

Tharn: It's not right...

Type: Look at us phi, we both know that deep down we need each other... I can see the "I want you too baby" look in your eyes then why you are denying.... I want you to touch me phi... I want more....

Tharn: gulped.. baby please, you are under age and this is not right now...

Type: Yeah, as if at the moment I will turn 18, my love for you will change... It's okay if you don't want then good night ... Type turned another side...

Tharn knew type was angry but he didn't want to provoke his desire more with his sweet talks so he also sits back and starts folding the rest of the clothes... When Tharn was done with all the folding,  he took the set of trousers and moved towards the closet...

Type: Looked at Tharn.. and gets really angry that how can his phi ignore him like this, he didn't try to even convince him that he will do it when the time is right or he can give one more kiss to compensate but no he chooses to ignore it.. Type looked at Tharn's back and then at the bed and then in anger Type moved his long leg and pushed all the folded clothes onto the floor...

Tharn: baby what you did...

Type: Huh... Type again turned and pretend to sleep...

Tharn: Didn't touch any clothes neither he tried to take the clothes from the floor, he directly gets in the bed and holds Type from the back...

Type: I am angry...

Tharn: I know and I love whenever you get angry...

Type: turned his head and asked why??

Tharn: Coz no matter how angry you are you never stop talking to me, though every day at least once you say that you will not talk to me but there is no day when you actually do that ... you never failed to show your love to me even when you are angry baby ... And I love you for that... Thanks for loving me like crazy... No one ever loved me this unconditionally ...

Type: Those people are idiots who didn't love you...

Tharn: They are my parents baby ...

Type: remembered, yes they are the ones who didn't give Tharn the love and care that he deserves.... Oh!! sorry ... I am such an idiot how can I abuse my in-laws...

Tharn's eyes widened what did you call them...

Type: Blushed but repeated his word....In-laws, he then looked in the eye of Tharn and said, Don't tell me you are not planning to marry me in the future....I am telling you phi don't think of keeping me as your dirty secret... I will never allow that...

Tharn: instead of answering that he starts kissing Type on the cheek and then all over the face...

Type: Ummm Phii... Umm.. leave me... Ummm, you perverted man... Uuuummm.... Phiii.... Type pushed Tharn and wiped his face which is covered with Tharn's saliva... Shiaa phi... You are so shameless...

Tharn: Type don't say a word I swear I will eat you now if you tried to act cute...

Type: Put hands on his cheeks... Pervert...

Tharn: Hold Type in his embrace whereas Type is not ready to remove his hands from his face, in fear that Tharn will again start eating his face .... You are my dirty secret baby which I want to tell to this whole world, I love you...I am not trying to hide you, baby, it's just I am waiting for you to turn 18. I accept you my Wifey the moment I realized that I have fallen for you, baby...

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