19. Desire

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Type is waiting for Tharn to come back home so that he can teach him maths... This is the daily routine of these two nowadays, solving problems of maths...

Tharn: Simon, why are you giving me this now... What you were doing from the whole day, I told you Type will get mad if I reach home late...

Simon: Sorry sir, but I received this file just now after some amendments ... You go early these days sir??

Tharn: Do you have an issue with me going early??

Simon: No no sir, I was just trying to say that I feel happy when I see you like this... There is someone in the house waiting for you to come home... I always wanted you to be like this...

Tharn: Yeah so that you can also go home early... I signed all the papers... though I checked them you also review them once before submitting them... Okay...

Simon: Okay Sir... Good night...

Tharn: left the office at 6 pm... Oh god today I am late Type will again sulk...

Type is doing his homework when he heard the voice of Tharn's car ... He smiled widely... Oh, phi is here but the moment he moved towards the door he remembered that he is mad at his phi... Huh... I won't go... He is late...

Tharn: Maria where is Type...?? Usually Type and Tharn study either in the study room or here in the living room but when Type is mad he stays in his room only and that is a kind of hint for the elder to understand that the younger is mad at him...

Maria: his room sir...

Tharn: Shit!! He is mad again... Tharn went to Type's room... Type...

Type: smiled internally hearing his phi's voice but pouted his lips to show his anger....

Tharn: looked at the younger... Umm Type I am sorry, I was coming on time only but Simon brings some files to sign.. I am sorry....

Type: Huh!! Phi you hired Phi Simon or he has hired you... You always make this excuse I am not talking to you...

Tharn: I am sorry na...

Type: Today we have to finish this chapter, I have an exam tomorrow but you are such an irresponsible adult coz of you I will surely fail my exam...

Tharn: throw himself on Type's bed... Nonsense... You have become good at maths Type, I am sure you will never get failed...I am sorry na... let's start studying...

Type: always use his study table to study but whenever Tharn is in Type's room and he is tired enough to sit they study on the bed...

Type was laying on his stomach, a pen is in his mouth and he is trying to solve a question given by elder...

Tharn: who was looking for another question for Type so that Type can practice that too before his exam... He looked at Type to ask something but he got annoyed looking at the pen in his mouth...

He pull the pen and scolded the younger... How many times have I told you not to chew your pen...

Type: pouted phi I didn't realise when I put it in my mouth... Stop scolding me na... Type looked at the problem again and started solving it... Yeah, I did it... He gave his notebook to Tharn and asked him to check...

While tharn was checking his sum Type looked at the elder, how seriously he was checking every step... ... Type's eyes move towards Tharn's eyes how sincerely his phi is looking at his notebook, then down to his nose, how pointed and straight it is then finally landed on his lips...the elder was biting his lips while checking younger's work....lips of his phi are so pink and look very soft, He thought 💭 💭 how it will feel when phi will kiss him....

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