14. The Truth

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Type opened his eyes and found himself on his bed... He looked here and there, how I reached here, I was in hospital... Type get up immediately and move towards Tharn's room.. he reached the door of Tharn's room when he saw Phi San and Simon in the room talking to tharn...

Tharn is looking pale and tired....

Tharn: If she is in some other country then try to contact her through email Simon... And start processing for Type's visa too... If she moved to another country we will send Type to that country...

Simon: Yes sir, please take care of yourself...

San: Tharn I don't think this is the time for all this you need rest...

Tharn: I promised to the boy Phi... Tharn was about to say something when he saw Type entering his room..

Type: Ho..How are you...? Type was looking at Tharn with teary eyes...the guilt and embarrassment are so evident on his face...

Tharn: phi, I want to take a rest... Please you all go... And tell people that I remembered my promise...

Simon tell all the security not to watch the young master.... Let him do whatever he wants to do, let him go wherever he wants to go..

Simon and San looked at Type then San put his hand on Type's shoulder and bring him out of Tharn's room...

Type: P'San....

San: Type go and rest I have to go...

Type: can see the anger and disappointment in San's eye ... He felt bad but he deserved this...Type left for his room... Why am I feeling this bad... I know what I did was wrong but I did all this so that I can go to my home... Home where my mom lives ... Am I asking too much dad ... I didn't have the right to stay with my mom.. just coz she doesn't have money that really does not mean I am not her son....I miss you dada ....

For the next three days, he didn't bother by anyone.. whatever he asks to eat he gets it, whenever he wants to go out he can go... Everything is going according to him except Tharn's behavior... Tharn is not talking to him, and neither does he looks at Type... For any information regarding his mom or anything, Tharn sent Simon or any helper to ask... Tharn behaves like Type doesn't even exist....San who used to talk to Type for hours is also not even looking at him...

In the study...

San: Tharn how are you feeling now??

Tharn: better phi, why are you not letting me go to the office.. I told you I am feeling better now...

San: Doctor asked you to take rest for a week and no matter how much you argue with me I won't let you go out...

Tharn: Sit in his chair and said umm phi...are you not talking to Type...I saw you yesterday ignoring him when he tried to talk to you....

San: No, I don't want to talk to that brat Tharn... I seriously wanted to slap him but I love him so much that I can't even do that....

Tharn: phi please, don't say that he is just a kid...

San: stop saying that Tharn... He doesn't behave like a kid...

Tharn: Phi, if you also won't talk to him he will be alone...I read in the book phi that teenagers also behave rationally when they don't get enough love and support in the family...He was always loved and pampered by his dad, he doesn't know anything about this world and after his dad's death, he misses his mom.... I am giving him all the luxury but not the love and attention..... I am not an ideal guardian phi nor does he accept me as a guardian...

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