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Tharn: Maria did you check his fever...

Maria: Yes sir, it's still the same..

Tharn: Left one of his meetings to see Type.... Type fall sick right after shifting to Tharn's place.... Tharn is taking an update on a call from Maria, he already called the doctor and the doctor said Type is mentally exhausted and that is the main reason for his illness....

Tharn reached home and checked Type, Type looked pale and exhausted...Type keeps crying in his sleep and every time Tharn consoles him by hugging him....Tharn is not ready to leave Type for once so he sat there all night to take care of the boy.... I will try my best Type to give you whatever is good for you...I will try not to make you feel lonely... I will be there for you Type....what face I will show to my brother that I didn't even take good care of his angel....

Next morning...

Type: Looked at Tharn who is sleeping beside Type.....He is holding Type's hand tightly as if Type will run away if he leaves his hand....

Helper: How are you Master Type...

Type: I am feeling better but why he is here like this....

Helper: Oh!!! He was worried for you master Type, he didn't move the whole night... He took care of you all night ... I guess he fall asleep in the morning when I left to take a quick nap...we were all up together in case he needs anything....

Type: Oh!! I am so sorry to trouble you all, I am fine now, I am sorry coz of me you haven't slept and he is also sleeping here ....

Helper: No Master how can we sleep when our master is ill and Sir he not sleeping coz of worry....The helper looked at Tharn who is opening his eyes, he went down to prepare food...

Tharn: Opened his eyes and looked up ... Oh Type you got up... How are you feeling...

Type: I am fine sorry to trouble you..

Tharn: Don't say that Type and I am the one who should say sorry to you, I didn't take good care of you, I failed as guardian... I am sorry ....

Type: No, You are doing okay, I mean without knowing me you are still providing so much.. that is more than enough Sir...

Tharn: I want to give you more than this Type ... Just let me know whenever you need me....

Type: Thanks a lot Sir, I will always be thankful to you....And one day I will surely pay you for all this....


Tharn: Simon did you send the documents to the client...

Simon: Yes Sir, and I took an appointment with the XTM group too...

Tharn: Wao that's so great Simon, Good job.. When did you schedule the meeting...

Simon: This Friday only Sir..

Tharn: put his fork and knife on the table and looked at Simon, you know what Simon, the moment I start feeling proud of you, you somehow make me realise that I am not doing a good thing... You managed to book an appointment with the XTM group is really surprising, I don't expect such a smart move from you...and I feel so proud but even knowing how big clients they are, you schedule it so soon and didn't give us time to do proper research is a stupid move ..

Now how can I prepare things so fast and especially when I am not well....

Simon: Sorry sir ..

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