45. Restless Daddy

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Tharn has called the airlines thrice to know if the flight is on time and every time he got the same answer that the flight is on time....

Tharn is being restless about why Type's phone is switched off..Tharn is moving here and there in the hall...

Simon who came to take just the signature of his boss as his boss refused to come to the office got stuck here... He or any other helper doesn't try to approach Tharn coz of his mood...

Tharn: Shouted again at top of his voice... Simon his phone is still switched off... Aahhh.... Call your people in Texas and ask them to trace him...

Simon: with a scared voice... Umm... sir, the flight landed 20 minutes back only maybe he just forgot to switch on his phone, you know my men can't trace him if he is inside the airport... Let's wait for some time na...

Tharn: Wait... Seriously... Simon do you even know what time it is in Texas... It's 9 pm... It's late night and Type is alone there at night he is just a kid how he will manage everything...why did I listen to you and let him go alone... You are stupid Simon so stupid....

Simon looked at Maria and they both sighed.... They knew Tharn is just being restless coz he didn't talk to Type for so long...

After 10 minutes of restlessness, Tharn decided to call the airlines again to know if they can find Type and if they did find him can they pass him an urgent message to call home but before he can do so he got a call from Type....

Tharn: Type.... Hello baby... Where are you ?? Did you reach... Is there any problem... Baby, you okay...??

Type: Phi let me speak too na...

Tharn: Sorry baby please tell your phi na where are you?? Why your phone was off?? Did anything happen there?? Why you didn't call me earlier....

Type: Phi stops na...I am not gonna answer any questions until you tell me how much you love me...

Tharn: I love you so much that I also don't know how much I love you, baby ....now tell an why your phone was off....

Type: Hmm I love you too phi baby ... And I am fine don't worry... My phone was acting crazy earlier, it was showing a blank screen that's why I switched it off and put it in my bag...

Tharn: Turned towards Simon.. Simon asks someone to buy a new phone and 2 SIM cards for Type and hand it over to him before he reaches the condo...

Simon: Immediately called someone to buy a phone...

Type: Phi, It's okay my phone is working fine now...

Tharn: No... Keep 2 phones with you... I have already asked someone to buy a phone and 2 SIM cards for you...I don't want anything like this to happen again...am I clear...

Type: Yes Boss....phi I never thought that I will say this to you someday but I guess this is the time I should say this to you...

Tharn: What??

Type: Don't get worried na phi... I will be okay here... I will manage if something happens.... I am a big boy now....

Tharn: Good that you are a big boy but I can't stop myself from getting worried for you...I never knew that I will act like this but baby I miss you...

Type: Hmm I miss you too ...

Tharn and Type talked for a few hours till Type reached his new condo... Type showed Tharn his room and even told him how a few boys were staring at him as if he is an alien but when he enquired what they are staring then they said there are only 3 single rooms in this condo...and it's too expensive even though people are ready to pay the high price then also they don't get it...only higher authority decide whom to give this and they are surprised that how me a nonresident of United States gets it....

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