33. Naughty Type

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Tharn is the one who broke the kiss first coz they were sucking the soul out of each other and Tharn felt they needed to breathe...Type moved his eyes down as he is feeling shy....but when Type took the appropriate air for his lungs, he again leaned towards Tharn to kiss but Tharn stopped him...Tharn extended his thumb and wiped Type's lips and said, Type we should stop now...

Type: Looked up to Tharn with his innocent face and said why Phi...

Tharn: Couldn't stop himself from smiling... Chestnut stop being naughty...

Type: pouted, hmm...phi you are so unromantic...

Tharn: You know too much about romance huh... Focus on studies chestnut...

Type: rolled his eyes, and then remembered oui, phi I have a class test tomorrow....Phi I am going to study in my room, else you will keep distracting my mind...Type turned to move out of the room....

Tharn: Shouted Noooo....

Type: What??

Tharn: Stay here with me for some more time na...

Type: Who was going towards the door to move out, turned, and said oh!! So someone wanted to continue what we were doing earlier.... Type smiled and run towards Tharn...

Tharn: Saw that devilish smile of Type and the way he ran towards him, makes Tharn scared .. he immediately stepped back, and when Type tried to attach his lips to Tharn... Tharn blocked it by putting his hand on Type's lips... Stop it, baby....

Type: Ummm.... Phiii...

Tharn: pull Type's ear stop being naughty chestnut...I asked you to stay so that I can spend more time with you... I love when you stay near me, I didn't ask you to stay here to do other stuff...You really have a dirty mind, Chestnut....

Type: Ahh phiii my ear....Tharn left Type's ear immediately after hearing the plea..Type showed his ear to Tharn..... see my ear phii, it turned red...he hugged Tharn with his pouty lips and Tharn also hugged him back...You are bad phi...

Tharn: Hmm...now will you stay with me some more time without being naughty....

Tharn: I also love being around you phi but I am still small na, So I have to study na...

Tharn: You are small only when you have to study chestnut, else the way you were behaving a few minutes back doesn't suit a small boy like you...

Type: Phi, don't judge me with my actions, try to see my love behind these actions na....

Tharn: Hmm... Umm Type why don't you study here only...

Type: Okay Phi wait I will bring my books which I need to study....

Tharn: What if you keep all your books here only.... then you don't have to go back and forth...

Type: But Phi then your room will become a mess... And at night your sleep will get disturbed if I come here to study....

Tharn: Sigh... Umm Type what I was trying to say is why don't you start sleeping here only...

Type: oh!! so you want me to study and sleep here only... Okay, then I only have to go to my room for a bath and change my clothes....I like this idea phi...

Tharn: Type.... what I wanted to say is, why don't you shift here with all your belongings...Just stay in this room...

Type: but phi if I stay in this room then where you will go... Are you suggesting switching rooms...

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