24. Countless Emotions

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Tharn: I know it's not right to give a kid so much money but I couldn't control myself...I didn't know how to show my happiness, I wanted my Type to treat everyone, share his happiness with everyone... I trust him, he is a responsible boy.....

Aahh I am so happy James... I always knew my Type would do well with his life, he couldn't do anything bad, maybe for some time he got distracted but his roots are too strong.. he is your boy he can't do anything wrong... I am so proud of my Type .... Tharn wipes his tears while driving... He didn't realise he is just talking to himself...

James, you heard na my Type has got selected for the football tournament, I don't even know a thing about football but My Type he plays football and not only plays football but he also got selected for the inter-school tournament too...you know what it means, it means he is the best... I am happy so happy for him....

Is this how parents feel when their kid achieves something I don't know what I am feeling but I am feeling so proud and I don't want to go to the office... I want to stay with Type... I want to see his smile... The way he was smiling was so incredible...

I don't know anything about parenthood... I am not his parents but being a guardian I think I am feeling all this....

Tharn reached the office and greeted everyone with a big smile which is very unusual as per his personality... Good Morning....

Simon: Good morning Sir, you look in a good mood what happened?? Did master Type again prepared breakfast for you...

Tharn: No Simon... He got selected for the football tournament... I don't even know that he wanted to be on the football team... Else I would have asked the principal to select him for the team... But I am so happy that he got selected coz of his talent....

Simon: Sir, he only got selected in the team not won the tournament...

Tharn: Yeah, but my Type got selected with his hard work, now whether he wins or loses that doesn't matter... I am happy that my Type is working hard for his dreams....

Simon: Yes sir...Simon turns to go but he remembers something... Umm Sir I have scheduled a meeting in the evening ....

Tharn: what?? Why Simon I told you not to schedule any meeting in the evening...

Simon: yes sir but the client is available at that time only, I have struggled a lot to get his appointment...

Tharn: Oh Simon, I told you just now na My Type got selected in a football tournament today... I want to treat him...I want to be part of his happiness.... Cancel that meeting...

Simon's eyes almost pop out when he heard this... Cancel it... Sir.. are you sure... Tharn is a workaholic, he used to work more than 18 hours a day, and now he is asking to cancel the meeting....

Simon: But sir this is a new client... You wanted to associate with this company for a long...

Tharn: leaned back on his swirl chair and said... Simon, I worked hard from age of 14 and now I have achieved so much that I have never ever dreamed of.....earlier I didn't have anyone in my life for whom I wanted to stop.. but now I have Type, I wanted to slow down now... I want to prioritize him before anything... What I will do with this money Simon if this doesn't give me time to spend with Type or to celebrate my Type's achievement....

Simon has seen Tharn's almost all phases when Tharn was working day and night to achieve his goals when he was hungry for success and wanted to make his place in society, and when he used to sleep in the office only so he could attend a meeting the next day... when his schedule was too packed that he didn't get the time to eat... when Tharn lost his brother, James....when he was dealing with brat Type... when he was sick, but in all this situation Tharn never slow down or stops his work...but today Tharn wanted to slow down...

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