27. Too Far

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Type and Tharn didn't move out of their rooms for the whole day... Tharn doesn't want to talk to Type after what Type said and Type also doesn't want to see the same emotions in Tharn's eyes that he experienced in the morning....

Maria tried to call them for food but both of them refused...Tharn didn't go to the office that day and stayed in his room...

Tharn: I am not gonna let this happen Type... You have to understand this is wrong... Do you think about anyone before doing anything...did you think about what your dad will think about me

James gave me your responsibility with so much trust and now he will think that I am misguiding you... What people will say that I made you like me, that I have infected you with this gay virus, what our family will say that I am such a low-grade person that I am trying to take advantage of my own nephew.... No Type I will not let this happen... Never... You need to understand that this is wrong...

Next day

Type: was preparing the omelet for his phi.. he didn't expect the same energy and bond from Tharn but he knew his phi can't be mad at him for long...maybe he will be mad but like always slowly steady everything will be okay...Phi didn't have anything last night I am sure he won't say no to my food... He loves omelets made by me...

Type bring food to the dining table and also saw Tharn coming down... He gathers all his courage and said Phi I made breakfast for you...

But Tharn didn't pay any attention to Type and directly moved out of the mansion..he ignored Type as if Type was not there....

Type: Phi... Phiii....Type looked at Maria...

Maria: Type maybe he was in hurry and he didn't hear you.. It's okay he will eat in the office...

Type: Knew it was not coz of work it is the effect of what he did... somehow he was expecting this little bit from his phi but he knows how to make his phi smile again...

In the evening...

Type: was waiting for Tharn, it was already late... Tharn missed their evening sessions of study and bonding with Type... Type was on the dining table waiting for his phi to come so that they can eat together...Type didn't realise when he fall asleep...

Maria: Type ....Type...

Type: try to open his eyes.. hmm ... Did phi come..

Maria: Hmm...

Type: Oh!! where is he...??

Maria: with a sad face .. umm Type he already had his dinner....

Type: looked upstairs towards Tharn's room... Did you tell him that I was waiting for him...

Maria: He saw you but maybe he was tired so he went directly to his room...Type let me warm this food for you...

Type: No, Aunt Maria... I am not hungry thanks... Type move towards his room... He took his phone and messaged Tharn ...Phi I know you are upset with me but I am not expecting anything from you..... I have not asked for the same love from you...I am okay with this one-sided love too but please don't ignore me... I will wait for you in the morning if you don't come then I will also not eat anything...

Next morning...

Type: Aunt Maria, please make salads the way phi like... let's have salad today... Type was looking up every now and then ....

Maria: Okay sure... You got ready very early today Type...

Type: Yes, I want to have breakfast with phi today...

My Godfather (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ