29. Not easy

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It's been a month since Tharn talked to Type...But for the last two weeks Tharn stopped avoiding Type, he started coming home normally, and he even joined Type for breakfast... it's not that anything changed between Tharn and Type.. No, They are still not talking but certainly, things changed from Type's side coz from the day he came from Tharn's office, he stopped initiating anything from his side to grab the attention of the elder...he stopped sending messages, he stopped waiting for him, he never crosses the path of elder and he never even cares what his phi does....

when Tharn felt the changes in Type's behavior, he also stopped making efforts to avoid Type, he started coming home at his normal time, which he used to follow before Type comes into his life.... He still works late but not that late that Type can't see him...

For the last three days, Tharn and Type are seeing each other in the house but they won't interfere with each other business... They behaved as if others doesn't exist...

Type's behavior was normal, he eats on time, he goes to school regularly, he does everything on time like earlier but he doesn't talk to people like earlier... He only talks when it is required...and he only shares things with Mild...

Mild: Type are you okay...??

Type: I don't know...

Mild: Type, I think you are doing great, You just follow me and this will stop hurting...

Type: yeah Mild as per your advice when I started avoiding him too, it lessened the pain... it's better that I only ignore him at least I will have solace that still I mean something to him...

Mild: Hmmm...Don't let him hurt you, Type..this is the best way to protect yourself...

Type: hmm... Let's go we have to ask Kaya also if she will tutor us ... I am really worried about maths .. Type changed the topic coz he knows that this will only hurt him no matter whatever he does the truth will never change that he is not any more important for his phi...

Mild: Bro, I am telling you she will definitely say yes coz she likes you...

Type: Mild please don't say all this...

Mild: Patted his head I know these words "like or love" hurts you... But bro you can't stop anyone to love you right...

Type: Believe me Mild, If I ever can stop this, I swear mild I will stop people from loving anyone coz I don't know the amount of happiness they get when they find their love but I know how much it hurts when they get rejected...

Mild: Type, You know you have to be strong right, You never asked before loving then why blame anyone...

Type: I know Mild but do I deserve this?? I am not asking for love Mild but can't I deserve to be treated nicely...

Mild: Come here.. Is my love and the way I treat you is not enough baby... ... Mild hugged Type and earned a few laughs....Shia Type people are thinking that we are gay... Stop making me do all this...he broke the hug and said Let's try to move on Type......

Type: hmm...

Mild: No hmm... Say it... promise me you will try to change... You have to move on...

Type: I will Mild now stop nagging and Let's go we have a class to attend... Type and Mild went to the classroom...

Kaya: Hello Type...

Type: Hello Kaya...

Kaya and Type were bench mates since the maths teacher saw Type's grades, she asked him to sit with Kaya who topped in this subject but Type being shy, never takes initiative to talk to Kaya even he hardly asks any questions...

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