Special Chapter 4

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Gp: Umm Tharn.... Come na... Why are you standing there ... He didn't know what to say he felt embarrassed ...

Tharn: Uncle If you don't mind can I also stay here with Type... I don't want to go alone...

Gm: Yeah of course Tharn, you can stay here there is nothing to ask... This is also your home... Grandma gave a signal to her husband to let them talk alone...umm we are going to our room Type if you need anything let me know....

Type: looking at his plate coz he don't know how to react... Hmm sure...good night grandma...good night Grandpa...

Gm and GP: Good night honey... Granny apologetically looked at Tharn and said in low voice please stay calm Tharn...

Tharn: With his eyes assured the old soul that he won't do anything....Tharn comes Inside and leans on the dining table facing Type...

Type: Pouted... You are a liar... I am not talking to you...You said you are going home but you are listening to my conversation with my grandparents...

Tharn: Took a tissue from the table and started cleaning Type's face... His chin, cheek, and near lips are all covered with food stains...First I didn't lie to you... I was going home only but now I don't want to sleep on that bed alone...I don't want to go there coz now it doesn't feel like my home without you...You are my home baby so no matter how much I tried to start my car and move coz I was not invited here I couldn't go...

And the second thing, don't you think I should be the one who has the right to pout and get mad for lying...

Type: looked at Tharn's eye and said will you hate me for lying...

Tharn: Do you think I can do that...

Type: cleaned the water formed on his nose with his t-shirt... No, that feature is not inbuilt into you... You don't know how to hate but you will be mad at me ....

Tharn: Took another tissue and cleaned Type's nose and his T-shirt... You are so dirty, baby...You should take a bath before sleeping....

Type: looked at his food he again pouted and tried to get up to take bath...

Tharn: Not now first finish your feast ...

Type: You go from here I will eat...

Tharn: No you will eat in front of me ...

Type: Now you know na why I hid all this with you then why you want to watch me while eating....

Tharn: Coz I have the right to know everything about you...

Type: I eat like pig ..

Tharn: Hmm you always eat like pig now eat...

Type: You will not love me if you see how am I eating all this stuff... Now Type has tears in his eyes... You will stop loving me, hubby...

Tharn: There is nothing that can make me love you any less baby... My love can only increase....why did you lie to me, baby... Am I not a good husband to you...

Type: No hubby you are the best but...

Tharn: But what??

Type: Hubby look at your self you look like a Greek god and look at me I am getting fat and ugly... And the way I crave all this food if you will know you will feel disappointed...

Tharn: Type, I know I always tell you to eat healthy food and I also follow a very proper diet but baby that really does not mean that you have to suppress your craving.... Tharn sit on the chair beside Type and continued... Baby, you are giving me such a wonderful gift, it's a miracle that you can give birth to a baby and I am so lucky that you chose to carry the child for us... I know it is a hard job and especially for you ... I won't say that I will not stop you from eating a lot of junk foods coz that could be dangerous for you and our baby but that really does not mean I won't let you eat at all... You can eat whatever you want baby ... You don't have to eat those boring salads if you don't want... I want to see you happy and I know eating your favorite food will make you happy...You can only make me feel proud, not disappointed...

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