42.Seducing Daddy

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Type: Aahh Phiiii pleaseeeee Type is again moaning coz Tharn is licking Type's dick... Aahhhh....

Tharn: You are so yummy baby I will eat you whole tonight ..Tharn move his finger near Type's hole and started inserting it...

Type: Phiiiii....

Tharn: No Phiiii..I am not gonna show any mercy tonight... Open your legs baby...

Type: Ummm phi... I am hungry ....

Tharn: stopped licking Type's dick and looked at his face....

Type: Made a hungry face I am seriously hungry phi... And unlike you, I am hungry for food...

Tharn: Removed his finger from Type's ass and kissed his stomach... Come I will feed your tiny tummy...Tharn pulls Type from the bed....

Type: And what about that... Type pointed towards Tharn's dick which is straight as a pole...

Tharn: I will take care of that... Let's take a quick bath..Come..

Type and Tharn are standing under the shower cleaning each other...the cold water helped Tharn's dick to go soft...

Type: You said you won't show mercy to me ....Type giggle....but now I am feeling bad for you....🤭🤭

Tharn: Stop making fun of me baby I swear you will regret it...

Type: Kissed Tharn's nose... I know you phi... You will always choose me over anything... I trust you...

Tharn: Hmm... I can't choose my pleasure over your hunger baby...How my Munchkin will grow if I don't feed him properly...Tharn kissed Type's forehead....

Type: I feel like I am a puppy whom you are raising with so much love and care....

Tharn: Yeah you are a puppy-only baby but you look more like a stray puppy honey...you need to clean yourself often to look like a decent puppy...and with that comment, Tharn started rubbing Type's chest with loofah...

Type: Pushed Tharn...phi I hate you... am I looking like a stray dog to you...look at my face I am too cute to be a stray dog...you are so mean....

Tharn: Laughed and hugged Type aww baby But I love stray dogs na...

Type: Hmm better for you coz you are not gonna get anyone cuter than me....and let me tell you I am a cute stray dog and I am cleaner than the stray dogs...

Tharn: Yeah baby you are cuter than those stray dogs...

Type: Phi say I am cleaner too....

Tharn: We will discuss that later baby...I need to feed my cute puppy also...Tharn is done with cleaning and he left Type in the shower so that he can prepare food for Type....

Type: Am I dirty...he looked at himself in the mirror and said...wait I will show you who is pretty here...huh...

Tharn started putting meats on the plate and he shouted ... baby what are you doing aren't you hungry now...Oh, This boy....

Type: comes out of the room and announces... I am ready phi... So what we are eating ....

Tharn: looked at him and closed his eyes...shit ... Why are you doing this to me, baby ....

Type: what I did phi...You said I look dirty so I just cleaned myself and showing you that I am better than stray dogs....

Tharn: hmm by wearing this extra revealing red gown where I can see your thigh, and your chest clearly...and why you applied this makeup ... You are already beautiful
.... Are you again trying to seduce me??

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