6.Angry Tharn

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After a long Sleep, Tharn comes inside the house and saw everyone is already left... The servants are doing the cleaning... He instructed them to clean properly... He feels blessed that his old servants agreed to come back to work... And Tharn also threatened Type that if he ever tries to scare them, He will be the one who has to work on their behalf ...

Type agreed coz he started going to school so he didn't have time for scaring the servants especially when they treat Type with so much respect...

Tharn is working day and night for his project... he is not even sleeping properly coz he has to crack this deal...

Tharn: At 3 am preparing his coffee... Simon I know it's 3 am but this is your fault to keep the meeting on this short notice and I already told you that no matter what, we all have to contribute to this project... Now get your ass up and start working .... Send me those documents now....

Simon: Yes sir, Simon gets up in his sleep and put his phone on the table... And murmurs That's why you should never work with a single person... A family man is more civilized than these singles....

Simon is opening his laptop when he heard the call again...Simon saw his boss again and he answered the call yes Sir, I am opening my laptop please give me some time....

Tharn: Next time if you wanna curse your single boss that how uncivilized he is then please disconnect the call first...

Simon: closed his eyes and clicked his tongue shit.... Sorry, sir...

Tharn worked till 5 am then he went to sleep and got up at 8... He again get ready for office ....

At the breakfast table Type is already eating his breakfast when.. usually, Tharn goes to the office a little late, they didn't get the chance to eat together for the whole week, but today Tharn is going to the office early...

Tharn: Good morning Type...

Type: didn't answer....

Tharn: sighed and sit on his chair to start eating... He got a call and said, Simon, I told you not to call me for these small things ... I already have enough on my plate...

Type: looked at Tharn's plate, coz Tharn's plate is empty.. he still didn't fill his plate with food....

Tharn: looked at Type and a smile formed on his face.... He disconnected the call and said, that is not what I meant...

Type: Huh??

Tharn: when I said that I already have a lot on my plate that actually means I already have so much work...

Type: Hmm....

Tharn: Again got a call from Simon... Yes Simon I will be there in half an hour and please cancel all my internal meetings coz I still have a few things to prepare for tomorrow's meeting... You know how important that meeting is for me... So please use your mind and schedule things according to priority....

Oh god, I don't know why I hired him when I have to tell him everything like a baby....

Type; so You have an important meeting tomorrow ...you are working a lot these days...

Tharn: Yes, Tharn smiled coz they hardly talked to each other normally and when Type asked about the meeting he saw the concern on Type's face... don't worry after tomorrow I will come back to the track.. I really need to crack this deal....this deal will open a new path through which we can actually move towards the goal of a monopoly market...

Type: smiled, I am sure you will..
Excuse me I am getting late for my school.. Type get up and move out... Yeah, this will definitely open a path for you, Sir... Type smiled and left ...

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