4. Taking care of this Baby

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When Type started staying with Tharn, Tharn tried his best to give all the comfort to this boy...But the only thing this boy ever asked Tharn is to let him talk to his mom...

And after trying for one week finally Tharn gets a chance to contact his mom..As Type's mom is in a detention center coz of her court case, so she doesn't have a way to contact her son... But Tharn finds out the way to talk to her...

Tharn called Sia and talked to her regarding a few things and then called Type...Type your mom is on call.... Talk to her...

Type: Type came running after hearing her mom's name....Mom....

Sia: Hello Type how are you...??

Type: Tried to go to his room to talk but Tharn stopped him, showed his finger towards the dining room, and said go there and ere first while you are talking, you didn't have food since morning...

Type hmm... And Type did as he was told to do...while talking on the phone Type had his food too ...

Type: Momma when you will come...

Sia: Very soon baby you know na I am in a detention center, till I prove myself innocent I can't come to you and Tharn is trying his best to help me here....don't worry, I am good here....

Type talked to his mom for 20 minutes and first time in all these days he smiled a little....

Type: Hmm your phone thanks...Type returned Tharn's phone and said Thanks to tharn...

Tharn: Type do you want anything else....

Type: No...he tried to move towards his room where he spends most of his time, he doesn't talk to anyone, neither does he eat properly, he just cries all the time...

Tharn: stopped him, wait Type... I just wanted to talk to you... Come here and sit with me...

Type: Yes Sir, tell me ...

Tharn: Type, I am your father's brother as well as your godfather you can call me uncle...

Type: If I feel like calling you Uncle I will call you .... What you wanna talk to me...

Tharn: I know what happened is not a small thing and I can feel how you are feeling....

Type: No sir you will never understand what I going through I lost everything in just a blink .. no one can understand how am I feeling...

Tharn: shh don't cry, I know no one can understand but I can little relate to your situation....

Type: Huh...

Tharn: Hmm, I was 14 when I left my house Type so I know how it feels without them....

Type: Why did you do that...??

Tharn: that's a completely different story Type let's not discuss that ... But what I want to make you understand here is that I know it's too much for you but your life will not stop here it will go on Type and no matter how much it hurts we should move ahead....I just wanna tell you that your dad was really good at studies and he always gave priority to this, that's why I want you to start going to school... Do you know that you got admission to the school where I and your dad studied....

Type: Really.... Dad would be really happy to know this right... If I go to the same school he would feel proud na... Type closed his eyes and let the tears flow...

Tharn: Type... ahhhh Don't cry, please... Tharn moves his hand towards Type's face, he holds his face and starts wiping the tears which are continuously flowing from his eyes...

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