46.Leave Him

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After Simon successfully planted his phone on the couch from where Type can hear things clearly, Simon left the room so that Tharn and his mom can continue their conversation...

Tharn: Mae you came here to tell me all this...if you have anything else to say then say else please leave...

Mom: Tharn, what you think that I don't love you... I only know how I lived my life without my only son... You know your dad, he hated your kind and he was clear from the start that I have to choose between you and him coz he can't stand what you are....I chose him coz I thought maybe one day you will realize your mistake and will come back to us but I was wrong....Tharn I am a mother no matter how much I hate you being gay but my heart never allowed me to stop loving you....Every day I pray for your return and now after so many years, I get this opportunity where I can have both my son and My husband with me.... Please Tharn I don't want to lose my son again please say yes...

Tharn: Never .... I am not complaining that you were not there in my life when I needed you most, I never said anything when you two hated me so much... I learned to live life without you two even though I miss you two so much... My heart is still a 15-year-old boy that is yearning for my parent's love and care but I don't want that love at cost of this Mae... Never...

Mom: Tharn, I know you love that boy and I know the reason too... I know just coz he looks like your dead brother James but baby he is not James....

Tharn: Mae...??

Mom: what?? What do you think I didn't know what you used to feel for your brother... A mother can sense everything Tharn... Yeah I had this hunch from an early age only that you are different from other kids but I always ignored it coz I knew if your dad finds out he will not tolerate it... I thought with time you will change but no you didn't change at all and your dad didn't tolerate this side of you...Tharn try to understand after so many years your dad is ready to accept you... He allowed me to come here to meet you, to take you back with me .... Please come home, son...

We are okay if you are gay and if you want to marry a man... We will accept whoever you will bring home but please leave Type out of all this...

Tharn: With tears in his eyes ... Mae you just said you are okay whoever I bring home as my husband then why not Type...

Mom: Coz you don't love him Tharn... You only like him coz he looks like James....

Tharn: No... I know very well the difference between James and Type... My Type only looks like James may be his few habits are similar to his dad but he is not James... My Type is different he smiles differently, he cries differently, he demands different things, and he behaves sometimes like a 50-year-old man and sometimes just like a 10-year boy... My Type has a golden heart, he looked spoiled but he is not... He is my life Mae please understand....

Mom: Tharn, you need to understand here that it took 15 years for your dad to accept you the way you are.... Now you have to choose who you want in your life a boy who came into your life sometime back or your parents ....

Tharn: Why are you doing this to me, Mae... Am I that bad ... I was living my life without you then why did you come here when you have to break my heart again... Why you showed me a ray of hope when you have to do the same that you did 15 years back.... Why Mae...

Mom: Tharn... My son sits here and listens to me carefully....I know it sounds harsh and painful now but It will be painful for some time and then everything will be alright... Remember when you left your home and started living without us it was hard in the starting then it become easy right... The same thing will happen with Type too... In starting you both will feel pain then you both will forget each other eventually....

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