43.Mr.Phi Tharn

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James's father: Yes Tharn, Your uncle and Type's grandfather... May I know what is all this going on... What the hell you are doing with my grandchild...

Type: Grandpa it's not what it looks like... We love each other...Please sit and listen to me I will explain everything...

GF: Love?? What the hell... Is this how you love your uncle, Type... Your uncle is touching you inappropriately and you are giving all this nonsense the name of love...Tharn is this how you are taking care of your brother's son... Is this how you are fulfilling the responsibility of being his godfather...

Type: Grandpa please don't say all this to phi.... He is not doing anything wrong... We love each other and I understand that it will be hard for you to accept this fact at this age but our love is pure...

GF: Bullshit Type, this is not love can't you see your uncle is taking advantage of you... He is abusing you in the name of love... Shia, I can't even say what he is doing to you....

Type: Type looked at Tharn whose expression was heartbroken after hearing all this from his uncle..... Type couldn't control himself and shout....Grandpa!!! Stop it...stop saying all these things... You will not say a word to my phi... He is not using me and I am not a kid.. I love him and I am the one who falls for him first so stop blaming him...

GF: Shut up Type do you even know what you are talking about... Oh, God!! What you have made him Tharn... Your parents were right Tharn, they warned me not to let Type stay with you... You have communicated the gay disease in him also....you are pathetic... Aahhh my poor James ... He didn't get any love when he was alive and after his death also his brother is doing all this with his only son... Shia Tharn Shia....

Tharn: Wanted to say something but he knew whatever he wi say that will not make any difference he go through all this before also...somewhere he was aware that one day this all will happen ... This is what he was scared of... Again he has to go through the same insult and same torture.... Tharn somehow gathered his strength and tried to say something....Uncle...

GF: Don't call me uncle with your dirty mouth Tharn....

Type: Enough... Enough is enough Grandpa... I never expected you to understand our love but whatever you said to my phi is not acceptable either... How can you do this grandpa... Please leave ... Please leave before I ask security to escort you out...please Leave....Type was fuming in anger and that was shocking for everyone... Type's face becomes red and his breathing is also getting abnormal....

Tharn tried to make Type stop but Type didn't let Tharn speak... he even motioned tharn with his hand not to say anything between him and his grandfather...

GF: How can you say that to me Type I am your Grandfather...

Type: No you are not... How come now you are feeling bad for your son ... Where were you all these years... Where were you when he was suffering?? Where were you when he needed support, love, and money.. where were you when he died?? I thought I would fill the place of my dad in your life coz when I lost my dad you also lost your son, your only support but I will not fill his place at this cost Grandpa... Not at cost of my love... If you can't understand my love then it's better that we should stay away from each other... I will accept the fact that I don't have any family but I won't let you hurt my phi... I love him and there is nothing wrong with it...

GF: Type how can you not see all this... He is using you, son... He promised your dad that he will take care of you but see what he is doing just fulfilling his lust...

Tharn looked at his uncle in shock...

Type: Stop it... Stop saying all this for God's sake... He is not using me... And he is fulfilling all his duty... No one can take care of my needs the way my phi is doing so stop it...

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