17. Celebration

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Tharn started coming home on time instead of spending a few more extra hours in the office... He is a workaholic but now he has become homesick... Every day he wanted to come home early coz now he has become a family man... There is someone who is waiting for him at home so that they can eat together....

Usually, Type finishes his homework right after school and takes a quick nap so that he can feel fresh when Tharn comes from the office...

When Tharn felt that Type must be feeling lonely at home, he made a rule that they will spend the evening together either they will watch a movie or talking, or going out, or maybe just stay on the couch like a lazy person but they will spend time together before going to sleep....

Tharn comes home at 6 Pm and they go to sleep by 9... So they already get 2 hours every day to spend with each other.... Where Type tells Tharn every detail that happens in the school....

Tharn: I am home....Tharn looks here and there but he didn't see Type.... Maria where is Type....

Maria: umm he is in his room, he didn't come out of his room since he came from school...

Tharn: Is he okay?? Tharn runs towards Type's room... He knocked before opening the room...when Type asked him to come he went inside.... Type what happened why are you sitting here alone.... And Maria said you didn't come out of the room for the whole day ....

Type: who is sitting at his study table took out something from the bag and gave it to Tharn... His face looks like he will cry any moment....

Tharn: took the thing and saw .... He looked at Type then again to that card...then he laughed out loud... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 .... You failed in mathematics.... 🤣🤣🤣....

Type: Why are you laughing phi... 🥺🥺🥺

Tharn: you are upset for the whole day about this.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Type: You are not going to scold me.... I failed in Mathematics...

Tharn: No way, why I will scold you....So what if you failed?? I failed twice in Mathematics when I was in your class.... I only know how I survived when I was 15....

Type's eyes widened what?? Seriously?? Then how you are running a company when you were so bad at maths...

Tharn: put the report card on the desk and looked at Type.... Type I was bad but then Phi San helped me and in the finals, I did well.... But that's not how I am running this business.... For running a business it's not necessary that you have to be very good in all your subjects... The school has some syllabus and the same repeated things they teach every year... They hardly change their way of teaching but our human mind is different it is not like this education system... They don't have restrictions... Some people have made their career in something which they have never studied in school or colleges... What I want to say here is your capabilities are not defined by your academic scores but by your mindset....

Even if P'San never helped me in my studies still I would have opened this company coz I had an interest in this field.... So stop getting upset about small things, I was pathetic in my studies, your dad used to teach me when I was small, and later P'san so relax..

Ahh, you scared me like hell I thought something big happened in the school... Tharn ruffles Type's hair and asked him to come down...

Type: who is looking at Tharn's back started smiling... He was scared that Tharn will scold him like his dad... Coz James was always a scholar so he always expects Type to be at least an average student but he always gets bad marks in Mathematics...

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