22.Trying to be good wifey

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Tharn: Maria please bring something to eat I didn't get a chance to have my lunch today...

Maria: smile, yes sir your favorite sandwich is almost ready...

Tharn: where is Type?? Type.... Type....

Type: come out of kitchen yes phi...

Tharn: what are you doing in the kitchen kiddo...

Type: nothing phi...

Tharn: okay come sit with me... Tell me how was your day...

Type: it was good phi, he again flashes his million-dollar smile to his phi...

Maria: Sir your sandwich...

Tharn: Type, come let's eat a sandwich...

Type: no phi I went to Subway today and had salad and sub... I am still feeling full... You have it...

Tharn: okay... Tharn took a bite and made a face...

Type: how it is Phi...

Tharn: Maria, you still didn't know how I like the sandwich why did you put ranch in this... Tharn push the plate aside and took a tissue to throw what is in his mouth ...

Maria: Umm sir I didn't make this actually this is made by...

Tharn: but tharn didn't let her finish... You didn't make it.... You know how particular I am about my food then why did you let anyone touch my food... Who made this disgusting thing... It spoiled my whole mood....

Type: with broken heart, said .. I made this disgusting thing phi... sorry phi for spoiling your mood....Type couldn't control his tears and runs towards his room...

Tharn: looked at Maria and when Maria to confirm that is that really Type who made this sandwich..when she confirmed he yelled shit... Why didn't you tell me earlier... At least you should have messaged me Maria that he is making a sandwich for me.... Damn what I did...

Maria: how would I know sir that you will be this harsh for such a small thing...that poor boy, he wanted to do something for you and the moment he came back from school, he is asking me what is your favorite...I told him the exact recipe but he wanted to make it yummy so he added a few things from his side...I never knew that you will be this mad...

Tharn: felt worse, he went to Type's room... Type...

Type: Sitting on his study table with a low head... Yes, Phi...

Tharn: Type why didn't you say you made that sandwich for me...

Type: so that you tell your honest review for my hard work phi.. and thanks for that... I will never touch your food... I am sorry...

Tharn: Nong, I am sorry na... It was not that bad na.. I thought Maria made this and I don't expect this from her... But for a newbie like you, it was soo good....

Type: stop it phi... Now there is no use in buttering me phi....

Tharn: I am sorry na nong... I swear it was not bad... Come let's go and make me more sandwiches the same you made...

Type: No phi... Don't eat that disgusting thing...

Tharn: No, I want to eat that only...phi will eat whatever my nong will prepare for him... Nong I promise it was not bad... I don't eat all the sauces but that really does not mean I can't eat at all... Please Type I am too hungry, I didn't have lunch also... I am so hungry... Ahh, my stomach....

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