49.Prove your love

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With Type everyone looked at the voice.... Tharn was standing at the door with his head high....

Type: Phii...

Tharn: Open his arm and motioned Type to come...

Type: Phi.... Type cried and run towards Tharn... He felt that he was between the strangers and now his family has come to take him .... Type ran and hugged Tharn tightly....I don't want to abort this child phi pleaseee.... Phi.... Type was crying hard ....

Tharn: shhh... I won't let anyone do anything to you Type.... Shhhh... Stop crying now...

Uncle: What do you mean you won't let this happen ...I am his grandfather and I will decide what is good for my grandson....and did you forget that Type cheated on you....

Tharn: Let Type rest on his right shoulder and then looked at his uncle...I am sorry who are you??

Uncle: What?? Who am I ?? I am Type's Grandfather... Did you lose your mind coz of shock...

Tharn: No I didn't but I guess you lost track where your son gave me all the responsibility of Type and no matter whether he is my responsibility or not, I won't let anyone make him do things that he doesn't want to do.... I will not let him be the next Tharn of this family...Next time when anyone of you wants to talk to Type please ask permission from me... Coz I won't allow anyone to put rubbish things on Type's head....

Mom: Tharn stop it.. he is your uncle and we are not Type's enemies....they have more rights on Type than you....and why you are forgetting what Type did to you...

Tharn: Rights?? Scoffed....I don't know when you will understand that people are not a thing....you can only make them yours by loving and respecting their decision... Let it be whom I am telling all this... A person like you who gives importance to society more than her only son will not understand all this....and whatever Type did maybe it can affect my relationship with him as a boyfriend but not as his godfather... Till Tharn Tyler is alive Type Geller will always be my responsibility and I won't let anyone harm him.... Let's go Type....

Uncle: Wait... Tharn please don't do this... What do you think this is the kind of movie where everything will be easy... No... You know very well how gays are treated in society and being gay, pregnant, and without a husband, Type won't be able to survive... Society will not accept him...why do you want to give him a life which you suffered Tharn...

Tharn: I suffered coz my family was not there to support me... Tharn looked at his parents with hatred.... They let me go through everything alone but I won't do the same with Type.... I will always be there for him...

Aunt: okay... I accept that you will always be there.... But till when Tharn... One day you will also get married then can you guarantee that your husband will accept your ex-boyfriend cum your responsibility....

Type: looked at his grandmom with teary eyes and step back from Tharn... The pain is very much visible in his eyes but he doesn't have the right to say anything...

Tharn: Then I will never get married in my life... I will always take care of Type..

Dad: Okay you won't get married what about Type...?? Will you let him be unmarried like you...no right?? he has to get married one day but who will marry him after knowing he has a child with his one-night mistake....do you think society has progressed so much that they will accept Gay plus pregnant man...

Tharn: Didn't answer coz no matter how bitter this all sounds but this is the harsh reality of today's life....Tharn knows that he can protect Type until to some extent he can't stop people from saying mean things....

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