09.New Tricks

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Tharn looked at Type, who was watching a series on TV ... It's Saturday and Type has no classes today... Tharn has all the schedule of Type....Tharn monitors all his moves coz he was really worried about Type these days...

Type get ready you are going office with me...

Type: why?? Putting me in this jail is not enough for you... Now you want me to work in your company also...

Tharn: Without any expression said... You are taking your books with you... You are going to study there....

Type: No, it's the weekend it's my holiday...there is no reason for me to go to your office to study, I can do that here at home too...

Tharn: You have got "F"  in a three-subject test ... Is this reason enough for you to move your ass..

Type: Looked at Tharn with a shocked expression... How do you know that??

Tharn: When I said you are grounded that didn't mean you are stuck in this home.. that actually means I am keeping a close eye on all your activity... so get up and get ready to go coz I know how much you are gonna study at home.....

Type: I won't go...

Tharn: I am not asking....

Type: I don't care whether you are asking or not coz I am not going...

Tharn: Umm...he dialed some number... Simon, The sim which Type is using please disconnect that...

Type: what Nooo... How I will talk to mom...

Tharn: I don't care whether you will talk to your mom or not... You will get this if you disagree with me...

Type: Fine I am going to get ready.... Type stomp his feet and went to his room.. he get ready and went to Tharn's office...

Tharn already asked Simon to put a desk for Type in his cabin so that he can keep an eye on Type...

Type is sulking but what choices does he have... He started doing his homework which he got from school...

After he finished all homework, Tharn sent him for a little break... He asked his receptionist to take Type with her and feed him whatever he wants to eat.... But warned her, that if Type offers her something to eat then refuses to take anything from Type to eat... The receptionist gets confused but she has to obey her boss...

Receptionist: Type what do you want to eat...

Type: Anything...

Receptionist: Such a good boy...

Type: Smiled... Umm Phi can I take one more piece of cupcake... I am hungry...

Receptionist: Yes sure, Tell me if you want more....by the way, are you that hungry ?? You didn't have your breakfast...??

Type: .................

After some time Type returned from his small break...Tharn gave him a lesson to learn and after the set time he ask him questions from the same chapter...

He scold Type for not learning his lessons and again gave him 2 chapters to learn and went for a meeting....

He came after the meeting and saw Type is sincerely reading and when he asked him questions, he felt proud that Type actually learnt it ...

Tharn: Type go and take a break.. You deserve it... I will ask Bruno( Bodyguard) to order fried chicken for you....there is a room in the corner go and relax there...

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