25.I love You

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At night everyone eating the pizza and Tharn is sitting with his salads... He is looking at Type how happy he looks while eating his favorite food...

Type: looked at Tharn, phi.. why you are eating this boring salad try this na... It's so yummy...

Tharn: No kiddo I don't like this kind of food...

Type: make a puppy face for me phi please na...

Tharn: Signed coz he can't fight with Type... It's hard for him to say no to Type... Okay but only one bite...

Type: okay one piece that's it...

Tharn: why do you never listen to me Type...

Type: Coz I don't want to.. now open your mouth...

Tharn: opened his mouth and let Type feed him...

Type: is it good phi...?? Tell me it's good na...phi tell me it's yummy na... Did you like this chicken and jalapeno combination...tell na...

Tharn: Put hands on Type's mouth...

Type: Umm... Phuummm....

Tharn: Shhhh..... How much do you speak Type, first you put such a big bite in my mouth, and then you expect me to speak... How can I speak while food is in my mouth... Uff you don't have patience at all Type...now tell me what you were asking....

Type: Raise his brow... And gave a look to his phi...

Tharn: What??

Type: poke Tharn's hand ...

Tharn: oh sorry... Tharn forgets to remove his hand from Type's mouth and expects him to speak...

Type: Phi, you are also too much, first you put your hands on my mouth and then ask me to speak...

Tharn: Rolled his eyes stop teasing your phi Type else you will regret it...

Type: huh, as if I care phi... Type tried to tease his phi but he didn't know that his phi can be this bad...Tharn gets up from his place and starts tickling Type.... Aahhh nooo phiii 🤣🤣🤣 noo Phiiii 🤣🤣🤣 it's tickling.. leave... Help 🤣🤣🤣 help 🤣🤣🤣🤣....

Phi don't tickle... 🤣🤣 Type somehow runs from his phi's tickling... You are bad phi...

Tharn: I can be worst wait I will show you.. tharn run towards Type and Type runs for his life....

Their running game got interrupted by Simon... Hello sir...

Tharn: Simon... What are you doing here...

Simon: Sorry to disturb you sir.. but I couldn't control myself to give you the good news we got the deal...

Tharn: really... Wao.. that's great... Congratulations... But you can give this news to me on call also .... What brings you here... Wait what did you do again...

Simon: scratch his back head and said... Umm, they are ready to sign the document but they have a few additional terms that I am not able to understand.... I need your help, sir...

Tharn: oh Simon, you can never change, you should have forwarded this to the legal team, they will look into it...

Simon: yeah sir, but the legal team is already off for the day, and tomorrow they have to attend the seminar so I don't think they can help me this fast...

Tharn: and I am sure you have not asked for more time from the client, you are always in hurry Simon... Tharn took the file and went to study and asked Simon to follow....

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