The New Girl In Town: Eddie Munson

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THE IDEA: Y/N the new girl. When Eddie and Y/N get sat next to each-over English they just work well together. After she says she really likes his tattoo he falls into a massive crush on her. 

If there was one thing you hated about being a military brat was the constant moving and having to make new friends all over again and having to introduce yourself like you never understood why teachers made you do that like it was stupid in your opinion. You took a deep breath before walking into your new school already feeling people stare at you, as you headed to the office to grab your schedule.

Now Eddie didn't really care for English despite him being pretty good at it that was until he saw you walk into the room and he could tell you were new here because there was no way you had been living Hawkins and he not seen you before because god you were pretty. 

"You can take a seat next to Mr. Munson, who can help you get caught up on what we are learning." The teacher said as you nodded your head before making your way to the back where Eddie gave you a small smile. 

"Hi, I'm Eddie." He said facing you and offering you his hand. 

"Hi Eddie, I'm Y/N." You said shaking his hand but your eyes drifted towards the puppet tattoo on his forearm which he noticed. 

"Not to sound weird or anything but I love your puppet tattoo." You said making Eddie practically have hearts in his eyes at this point because no one had ever complimented his tattoos before. 

"Thank you and not weird at all, I actually have a few more that maybe I can show you at lunch if you would like to join me and my friends at lunch today?" He asked you. 

"I would too as long as you promise to show me around this school?" You asked him as he smiled hearing the bell ring.

"It would be my honor." He said making you laugh as you two left the room. 

It turns out that you and Eddie had all the same classes together and that you two had a lot in common which made you realize that maybe Hawkins wasn't so bad after all and that you had a cute boy showing you around. You two were currently at lunch where you were sitting beside him and that's when you noticed how everyone at the table wore the same shirt.

"So what's hellfire club?" You asked him. 

"Oh, we play Dungeons and Dragons. Have you ever played sweetheart?" Eddie asked you.

"A few times. My cousins back home liked to play and sometimes I would have to sit in for one of their players." You said shocking Eddie. 

"Really?" He asked you making you laugh.

"Yeah, I think I'm like a level three or four, I haven't played much." You said. 

"Well if you are more than welcome to join us, I know any of us would be more than willing to help you learn and to have you." Eddie said hoping you would join them. 

"Hmm maybe once you show me the rest of your tattoos then maybe I'll join." You said looking at him with a smile.

Eddie was about to say something when he saw a few of the popular girls walk up behind you and tap your shoulder making you look at them confused. Eddie sighed knowing what was about to happen. 

"Hey we know your new here and don't know better...but..." One of the girl started to say but you stopped them.

"Let me guess there is some stupid structure regarding whose popular and whose not.. I've been to enough schools to know these things. So while I appreciate your offer but I've already found some people cool to hang out with so if you'll excuse me." You said shocking Eddie and the whole table as they watched the girls leave. 

"You know you didn't have to do that." Eddie said. 

"I know I did but I rather stay with the tattooed cutie who was about to show me his tattoos and his friends rather than someone like them." You said making Eddie melt even more. 

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