Stupid sweater (Chanbaek)

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A loud and breathy yawn leaves my mouth as I shuffle into the kitchen, my feet barley leaving the ground as I make my way to the cabinet. My first class is in forty minutes, so that leaves me just enough time for a quick bowl of cereal and a shower.

I open the cabinet and slide my favorite box of cereal off the shelf. I'm about to grab a bowl from the other cabinet when I realize that my box seems to be lighter than it should be. I shake the box and a light sound registers from inside. My eyebrows bunch together as I turn the box around, then a sigh of frustration leaves my lips when I find a large hole on the bottom corner.

"Damn it, Baek" I yell and stomp out of the kitchen towards the offenders room.

I don't bother knocking, Baekhyun and I have been friends since we were children. We grew up together and have been with each other through everything. We're basically brothers, so privacy between us isn't really required.

"Baek" I yell as I throw the door open, letting it bang against the wall to emphasis my anger "I told you to quit leaving food out because it would attract ants and mice, but you wouldn't listen to me, and now look... the little bastards ate all of my captain crunch"

Baekhyun groans from the tightly wrapped blanket cocoon he's in, actually it would be kind of be adorable if I wasn't so pissed right now "don't get your panties in a twist Yeol, I'll buy you a new box and don't call them bastards, they have names"

I blink a few times at this new information "Baek, I swear..."

"Calm down, it was only a joke, I'm not that weird" Baekhyun defends.

I raise an eyebrow, but choose not to get into that fight this early "Well fine, but what am I going to do for breakfast now?" I growl.

Baekhyun sighs "fine, you giant pain in my ass, I'll buy you breakfast, happy?"

I lean back against his doorframe and weigh my options, I could either guilt trip the crap out of Baek for the next week and have him make up for it in a major way, or I can let it go and take the free breakfast. My stomach suddenly growls making my brain aware of which option it is in favor of.

I sigh "fine, but I have class in about a half an hour, so hurry"

Baekhyun rolls over on his bed and groans again "why did you have to take a damn early class this semester?"

"Because it's the only time the class is offered and I really wanted to take it... seriously Baek we've had this discussion before, and I don't have a lot of time" I grumble.

"Fine, fine... Jesus who pissed in your coffee this morning?" Baek grumbles back at me.

I'm about to reply with something equally sarcastic when Baekhyun suddenly throws his blankets off of him and my words evaporate from my mouth seemingly with all of the moisture. My eyes widen and my stomach clenches like I have just received a fist to the area.

Baekhyun sits up on the edge of his bed with his legs adorned by pink knee socks, tucked under him, cutely rubbing the sleep from his eyes. A normal scene that I have seen a hundred times before, but what nearly knocks me over and leaves me breathless is the way that Baekhyun looks in an oversized university hoodie, my oversized university hoodie to be exact.

I find myself racking my gaze down his body, noticing the way the collar of the hoodie has slipped over one shoulder exposing the tight and milky skin all the way across. His collar bone sticks out, displaying deep dips that I just wanted to sink my teeth int.... wait what? Chanyeol what is wrong with you? Baekhyun is your best friend, you don't think about your best friends like that' I chide myself for thinking those thoughts.

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