We Are Your Family (HunHan)

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I push the door open with a halfhearted shove. It's been a long day at work and my body desperately needs to sink into a hot bath and tune out the world for a while. I close the door and it musically locks behind me. The apartment is silent and dark inside, no movement or sign of life anywhere. It's a late day for me, but it seems that I'm the first one home.

I sigh. I'm not upset or mad. Sehun and i both knew what moving here meant for his workload. The China division of the company needed a great deal of work. He has a lot of work under his belt and some days i don't see him at all. He comes home after i fall asleep and is gone before i wake up. I'm busy myself with the college fotball team I've been assigned to, but Sehun seems like a ghost these days. He says that the work is reaching a crest and that it'll calm down soon, but i can tell its wearing on him. He's tired and his creative outlet is almost nonexistent these days. Sometimes i wish i would have encouraged Sehun to just stay in Korea and remain a designer rather than taking on so much here. I'm immensely proud of him and he's achieved so much in the short time we've been here, but i miss the light in his eyes when he thinks of a new design or he gets an idea to create something.

The only thing i can do is to just try to make his life as comfortable as possible. Do little things like set out his suits for the next day, make him some home cooked meals on his days off, and to suck the stress out of his body using my own. It's working alright for us for now, but i don't think it's sustainable long term.

Making my way into the bedroom, i strip out of my clothes as i go. The idea of a nice hot, essential oil infused soak nearly makes my muscles moan at how bad they need it. i open the bathroom door, but stop dead; startled by what's in front of me.

"Did you have a good day at work?" Sehun asks from his position in the tub, his shoulders barely peeking out of the water.

I smile at my gorgeous boyfriend and lean against the door frame. "It was good. Long, but nothing exciting."

Sehun smiles and rolls his shoulders back a little, releasing a wave of steam into the already dense air. "Mine too. I got some news today and i figured I'd take the rest of the day off to figure out what our next move is together."

This gets my attention and i walk quickly over to the bathtub, perching on the edge. Sehun's hands immediately find their way to my body. He shifts to the side, wrapping his long arm around my waist and cuff his hand across the top of my thigh.

"What's the news?" i ask, not even masking the worry in my voice. I never have to hide my feelings with Sehun. I know he'll take care of them.

Sehun rubs his thumb over the inside of my thigh, a distracting and effective reassurance. "We've been collaborating with a few people here in Beijing to get a handle on things and properly set up the operations here. Kris has been flying out as much as possible and Yixing has been flying in or joining via video calls as much as possible. We've been here for a couple of years and have actually achieved our aimed status and today we all had a meeting and made a big decision. We found a director of operations and a creative leader who we vibe with exceptionally well. They both have been working closely with us for a while and really seem to understand the vision Yixing has for this company and are great with checking in, leading their respective teams and even bringing their own experience to the company. I think we've picked a great executive team for the China branch and can do a great job leading it in the future."

I smile brightly and feel an intensive rush of pride for my boyfriend. "That's amazing, Sehun. You've done an amazing job here and I'm in awe at everything you've achieved."

Sehun's eyes sparkle. A glimmer i haven't seen in a really long time. I missed it so very much. "So, i talked to Yixing after the meeting and he informed me that since the China branch has now been self established with an executive team. The main branch is set to start moving forward with new lines and media outreach."

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