Unnecessary restraint (Chanbaek)

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"Stop it."

My head shoots up from where it had been resting on the bar. It's pre-shift at SUJU. I made it a habit to come in early on Saturday's and help out with getting things ready a long time ago. Mostly it's just to fuck around with my coworkers or to bother my dad, but today i just feel a little too in my head for doing such things.

"Stop what?" I ask staring at Jiyong's annoyed expression as he works his feeling into the bar rag currently drying a glass in his hands.

My darling brother rolls his eyes. "You're sulking."

I huff out a breath and reach forward to play with a stack of napkins. "I'm not."

"You are and it's bothering me." Ji announces, fixing me with his signature 'take no shit' expression he reserves for rowdy customers and handsy patrons.

I shake my head at my own blood's lack of compassion and grit my teeth. I stand and flip him off. "Well, i'm so incredibly sorry for being such a nuisance for you." I announce with a dramatic bow to add to the layer of petty i'm spreading.

Jiyong groans and i get less than two steps from the counter before his voice catches me in my tracks. "Baek, wait. I didn't mean it like that. Come back and talk to me."

I stop and turn back to him with a skeptical expression. "Wait... Are you actually apologizing and willing to listen to my problem?"

Jiyong's face deadpans immediately and he not so gently places the glass down on the counter. "I'm ignoring the fact that you're being a bitch because clearly something is wrong. Do you want my help or not?"

I consider his offer and weigh how good of an idea it is. Ji's been doing this whole relationship thing longer than i have and Seunghyun and he have had tons of ups and downs. They've been through a lot and are still together, so even if they have their problems clearly he's doing something right. Theoretically Jiyong would at least be able to offer me a better perspective than my friends can.

"Okay, fine." I sigh and grab a chair at the bar, plopping down with a heavy sigh.

Ji's lips almost crack a bit in as good of a smile that i'm betting the mistress of the devil can handle; and though it's a bit startling, it also softens his face and makes him look at least five years younger.

"What can i help you with, baby bro?" Jiyong coos gently, placing his forearms on the counter between us.

I cringe and Jiyong snorts. I shake my head at this absurd new territory i've never been in with my brother before, but find myself chuckling at how oddly nice it feels. "Chanyeol and i are dating now."

His face twitches with genuine surprise, but he also looks slightly pleased. "Oh, wow. That's great, Baek. I didn't think it would ever happen, but congrats nonetheless."

"Thanks for the faith, Big Bro." I say sarcastically mixed with slight offense.

Jiyong's shoulders shake from his amusement but he holds up his hand in protest. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. You can't blame me though. I watched you two grow up and skirt around each other like fucking idiots for years. I naturally assumed that you two would end your lives miserably unaware." I narrow my eyes and he just sighs, reaching out and ruffling my hair slightly. "But i'm glad you two figured it out. It was kind of hard watching my little bro, who i practically helped raise, go through such a hard time."

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