Hello Kai (Kaisoo) {party}

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"What are you doing?" The deep words rattle through the room, causing me to cringe at how instantly ashamed I feel. I rush to close my laptop, but i can feel Kyungsoo's penetrating stare over my shoulder.

"Jongin, what are you doing?" Kyungsoo asks, his voice leaving little time for hesitation.

Ducking my head, i keep my back to Kyungsoo, not wanting him to see my shame. It's probably no use though, i know Soo. He can smell guilt a mile away.

"Um... just looking over my assignments..." i mutter, my high pitched, squeaky voice far from the intended nonchalance.

A deep sigh fills me with dread. I've been caught.

"Jongin." Kyungsoo deadpans.

It's funny how just the sound of my name from this mans lips can completely incapacitate me. I'm helpless to his demand, even when i know my own condemnation awaits me at the other end of my confession.

A whine releases itself from my throat and i finally turn around to face the older. The whine quickly dies however, once my eyes meet a sweat-pant clad Soo, complete with a tight black T-shirt that really should be illegal on him. Fuck my life.

"I was playing League with one of my friends." I explain.

Expectantly, Kyungsoo's eyebrows furrow. "Why? Did you already finish your paper?"

I cringe wholeheartedly and advert my eyes. "n
Not... not exactly."

Kyungsoo blinks at me, his expressionless eyes boring holes in me. "Have you even started it?"

I close my eyes and invert deeper into myself. "...no" i squeak out, not even daring to look at him.

The disappointed sigh that falls from his gorgeous lips, hits harder than i expected it to.

"Come on, let's go." Soo says, turning from me, and heading out of my room.

I blink at the now empty doorway and tilt my head. I'm not really sure what to do. Normally, I'd follow Kyungsoo anywhere without question, but with how things have been between us lately, I'm unsure. I'm so tired of hurting Kyungsoo. Every time I push him away or every time I avoid this 'thing' we have between us, he ends up taking most of the hurt, and it kills me. I miss him, but I can't bring myself to give in. Why does everything have to be so confusing?

"Jongin" i hear again, and focus back in on Soo, giving me a questioning stare, peeking around my door.

"But... i .."

"Come on, just come to my room, we can finish your project there. That assignments worth a pretty hefty part of our grade, Jongin." He says, walking into my room and grabbing my arm, yanking me out of my desk chair.

"Y-Your room?"  I stutter out.

"Yeah, i already have my books and things in there, so it will just make it easier. My assignments almost done, so I can help you with yours since I have a pretty good handle on it." Kyungsoo explains, pulling me so nonchalantly.

"But you also have a bed in there"

I don't even have to look at him to know he's rolling his eyes. "That's why it's called a bedroom, Jongin"

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