Family (Toris)

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My fingers wrap around the thin, smooth surface, holding it delicately like a pristine rose fresh picked from a luscious garden. I hold up the champagne flute and smile at the man across from me. It's fitting, toasting to the closing of this final chapter of this book in my life with the man i look forward to spending the rest of my series with.

"Here's to moving forward." I say with the fondest feeling in my chest.

Tao's eyes crinkle from the full grin that seizes his lips, and holds up his own glass, clinking it lightly against my own. "Does it feel weird? I mean, for years you've been working up to this moment, but did you ever expect it to come?"

I nod and chuckle. "I don't think it's set in yet... like... I'm done. When did this happen?"

Tao smiles gently and takes my hand over the table. "You've worked your ass off, babe. You made this happen and i'm so proud of you."

My heart flutters at his sincere words. Today i finished my last final of my last class for my last year. This is it. I'm officially done with University. After years and years of working up to it, i can't believe i'm finally done. No more classes. No more stretching myself thin. No more worrying if i can do this. I did this. I proved to myself that I'm worth more than my father ever said i was. I could have quit and focused on the company a while ago. Hell, i probably should have. But i needed to do this for myself. I needed to show myself my own strength. And here i am, crossing the finish line.

My path was that of my own choosing and i did it with finesse. I made my own way and i fucking succeeded with it. But i could never have done any of it without this gorgeous angel right in front of me. Tao was the foundation that kept me above water for so long. He has been my biggest supporter and even my biggest critic. He gave me everything I needed when i didn't even know how to ask for it. I attribute so much of myself to him and can't even begin to show how much I'm thankful for this eccentrically, confident and sassily pushy man.

"I couldn't have done any of it without you, Baby." I grasp his hand and feel him squeeze in return.

"Probably not, but i would have never let you. I love you more than any of the clothes in my closet. Even if you had decided you wanted to go into something like fine art, i would have supported you the same."

I snort and pretend to be offended. "Hey, i could have totally made it as an artist."

Tao stares blankly at me and rolls his eyes. "Kris, i love you but know your strengths, babe."

I laugh deep and openly at my little diva. The waiter comes by with our meal and his lips twitch at the scene. I'm sure we look like a couple of love dumb kids at the moment, and in truth, we kind of are. I don't walk across that stage for another week. And until i have my diploma in my hand, I'm still a college student. I still have a bit of young adult shenanigans to get out of my system.

"Hey, after we finish eating, do you want to go somewhere with me?" I ask forcing Tao to look up from his food and blink at me.

He tilts his head, considering. I know i haven't been spontaneous since my freshman year of university, but i see a flash of recognition and understanding in his eyes. "Where to?"

I smirk a little and stab my fork into a piece of my steak. "It's a surprise."

Tao blinks once again, but then a sort of knowing smile pulls at his lips and he drops his head, feigning nonchalance. "Well, i guess we have time for it. We're both done with finals after all." Tao glances back up at me and gives me a deep expression, one that says everything i need to know. "I'll follow you anywhere, Kris."

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