Where do we go from here? (hunhan)

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My shoes make an echoed thumping sound against the porch in the early morning air. I wince at how deafening the silence surrounding the house is, like ghosts waiting in the shadows to destroy any that dares to disturb them. Ghosts of words that shouldn't have been said, of hearts that got broken, and of relationships damaged in the current.

This house for the first time since i moved here, doesn't feel welcoming. It doesn't feel like my normal oasis. It just feels like a giant hand pressing against my chest, refusing to let my lungs fill all the way.

I sigh deeply and open the door. It isn't even locked... gods only know what happened after i left last night. I'm just praying they didn't kill each other.

Inside, it's nearly empty and silent. No loud music blaring from Chanyeol or Baekhyun's rooms. No playful banter or quarrels expressed throughout the halls. No ridiculous American movie being played in the living room. It just feels vacant.

My heart drops and tears fill my eyes.

Trash covers the floors; cups, cans, random pieces of gods knows what, food, and more scattered across my happy place. My home. My safe place... we destroyed it.

"Sehun?" Comes a familiar voice to my left as they rush into the room. It sounds panicked, yet sort of relieved.

"What happened?" I ask, refusing to look at him.

Yixing sighs and comes closer, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Hunnie."

I glance over at Yixing for the first time, his lips parting when he sees the expression on my face. "We broke it, didn't we?"

Without saying a word, his eyes drop and i can tell that he really can't argue. The truth lies in his silence; the answers etching into the floor where his gaze rests.

"I ... i can't lose my family again, Xing. I can't go through that again." I say, the evident tremble in my words.

Yixing's hand rubs down my arm and grabs my hand. "Sehun, no. Don't even thi-"

"Sehun." Comes the other voice i expected as Tao rushes down the stairs, cutting off whatever words of comfort Yixing was about to offer me. "Where the fuck have you been?"

"Tao" Yixing warns, his own tone sounding a little choked. Forever an empath.

Tao shakes his head and finally stops in front of me, giving me a look. "Where have you been? You disappeared. No call. No word to a single person before you left. Nothing." He yells, his voice raising in octave with each word.

Any sense of longing and heartbreak quickly fades and soon I'm just left with irritation. This bullshit started with Tao and he has the audacity to try and go protective Hyung mode on me? Nope. Not having it.

The floor boards creek and I glance up and find Kris and Chanyeol peeking around the corner of the upstairs hallway. They give me a half smile and a nod. I roll my eyes and clench my jaw. Kris winces and probably adds me to the list of people who are pissed at him.

I'm not mad at Kris, just irritated. They are acting like children and I'm over this. I won't live in a broken family, not again. I really wish i hadn't left Luhan's bed this morning, but that won't fix anything. I can't believe I'm the youngest of these idiots.

On the other side of the stairs, i watch Kyungsoo pop out, looking slightly confused and dazed like he just woke up. It's almost cute, except for the brand T-shirt he's wearing that says "kneel" across the front. I almost snort at how fitting it is for him.

"We should clean up before Chen and Minseok get home. Start with the alcohol cans and bottles." I say, taking off my jacket.

Yixing squeaks and goes for my hand as soon as he sees the bandaging. I internally roll my eyes having completly forgotten about it until now. The pain pulls up my arm and i grit my teeth through the onslaught of pain i had subconsciously pushed down. Yixing takes a minute to admire the thorough work Luhan did, but observes it closely. I know he'll tell me the same thing as Luhan did, but i want to get these idiots on a single goal first. Clean up the physical before the emotional.

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