Pencil me in (Taoris)

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"What about Thursday?" I ask, staring at my scheduling book.

It seems like nothing but penciled in appointments, my school schedule, practices, games, and meetings, fill the pages. It's hard to even find a single blank space on the page, but I can always find some time to schedule in the man I love.

Tao is silent for a moment, then sighs, continuing to dress "can't, I have all day classes, then I took an evening shift because Yeol has something planned"

"Friday?" I ask, my voice sounding tighter. I hope he doesn't hear it. "I have an hour I was reserving to work on my thesis, but that can wait"

"Can't, Kyungsoo is going with Yixing this weekend and I promised to take Friday if Yeol takes Saturday" Tao explains.

"Then you're free Saturday since no classes and no evening shift." I say, already starting to mark it down on my calendar.

"Actually... I have plans" Tao says, his voice sounding a little guilty.

I swivel around in my chair, observing my boyfriend carefully. Busy, I can understand. But to make completely alternative plans when I've been trying to find time to spend together all week... it pulls at a little something in my chest.

"Plans? What's more important than going out on a date with your boyfriend?"

Tao gives me a sheepish smile "I'm going out to diner and a movie with Jonghyun. He's going through something right now and needs a friend"

I lift an eyebrow and clench my jaw " so going out with your new friend to console him is above a date with your long time boyfriend?"

"It's not like that, Yifan" Tao says, surprising me by using my Chinese name, something he hasn't done since high school.

"Then explain it to me, Zitao" I fire back.

Tao crosses his arms and gives me an irritated look "I already made the plans and I won't cancel on someone who's already going through a hard time. We can do something another time."

I turn my chair back around without even a second glance at him and shake my head "whatever. Fine"

I hear Tao sigh deeply behind me and shuffle around a bit, before the bedroom door opens "I'll see you after class?"

After a few beats of silence, another sigh is expressed and the click of the door latch echoes.

My date planner lands across the room, while my head lands in my hands. I hate this. This is the whole reason we've drifted apart. Junmyeon was right. We've managed to stop making each other top priority, and that's why our spark is dying. You can't keep your house warm if you don't feed the fire, and Tao and I have basically let it reduce to embers.


"Sounds to me like you two could have done with some talking after he got home from class... instead of running away to have lunch with a friend like a pouty child" junmyeon says, placing a bite of food into his mouth before giving me an expectant look.

I blink and avoid the man's gaze. He always knows how to pick me apart at the seams. Junmyeon's just one of those people who you can't hide anything from. He'll always see right through you. Maybe that's what I need though.

"I don't want to talk to him right now" I say, and immediately curse myself for sounding like an indignant child, further proving Jun's point.

Junmyeon rolls his eyes "how mature of you"

I sigh and place my chopsticks down on the table a little to forcefully "then tell me, oh wise one. What should I do?"

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