Let's do it right this time (Sulay)

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"You can't be serious." i say scoffing at the other man as he has the audacity to look up at me with an innocent expression.

Junmyeon raises an eyebrow and blinks steadily at me. "What?

I scoff and look down at the items he just put into the cart. "Kim Junmyeon. The man who is overly cautious of everything he eats and is meticulous about his health just had the audacity to put a box of Twinkies into my cart."

It's our shopping day. Junmyeon and i have evolved into doing shopping together as a monotonous couple activity that neither of us seem to mind. Actually, i quite enjoy it and i think Junmyeon does too. When you live the fast paced, extraordinary lives that we do, normal can be fun and sometimes necessary.

This is just how I imagined a relationship between us going. Junmyeon and I have progressed nicely. We've been dating for months now and we're falling into a comfortable routine. It's pleasant and i always enjoy my time with Junmyeon. I'm happy with him by my side.

A soft pink hue takes over Junmyeon's cheeks and i bite at my lip to stop the smile trying to pull at my lips. "They... they are my comfort snack."

I blink at the other and tilt my head. "What exactly is a comfort snack?"

Junmyeon seems to think for a second and then I watch some clarity cross his face. "It might have just been something unique to my childhood. They are a snack my nannies and house keepers would give me for treats or to cheer me up when i was sad as a child. They called them comfort snacks. Honestly it's probably why i was a little chubby most of Elementary school."

My heart squeezes at this and i instantly want to pull Junmyeon into my arms. Sometimes i forget the hard and lonely time Jun went through as a child. I finally got him to open up recently about it. I don't even think he knew it was an abnormal childhood. But once he started talking about the things he went through, I saw the dark shadows and lasting effect it put on his adult life. It must have been so difficult as a young boy to be expected to conduct yourself as a grownup and be denied the basic love and affection he needed so desperately.

I realize there is nothing stopping me from giving my boyfriend comfort and i step around the cart. Junmyeon gives me a curious head tilt and raises his eyebrows in a silent question.

"I'm going to hug you. Is that okay?"

Junmyeon's lips form an O as he understands my intentions and seems to prepare himself a bit awkwardly, but nods in permission nonetheless. I smile at how cute he is sometimes and lean in to wrap my arms around him. His hands find themselves on my back were he stands stark still and almost seems to be holding his breath.

"Are you uncomfortable?" i ask, wondering if i should pull away.

Junmyeon shuffles a bit closer to me and tightens his arms some more. "No, this..." I feel his body relax a little further and his head leans forward to rest against my shoulder. "This is fine."

I smile softly at how Junmyeon is slowly warming up to the level of affection i tend to supply those around me with. He'll get to the point where he can accept my hugs without having to be prompted first and he'll get to the point where he doesn't need a second to breathe before he'll allow himself to accept the care i give him. It'll take some time, but I'd like to get to a point one day where Junmyeon doesn't even remember what it's like to be denied anything he needs ever again.

"Faggots." Comes a sudden voice to my right and i feel Junmyeon tense even further.

I mentally curse and look up at the guy who is standing a few steps away from me pretending to be looking at the shelfs. "Can i help you?"

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