Grown up dreams (xiuchen)

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Early morning, a time for the ones who grind; the ones who have little time for sleep in between the steady pace of making their dreams reality. Early mornings are not simply something that exists on the timeline when most others are still catching what little sleep they can before their alarms topples them from their beds. This time of day is something else entirely. It's a magical time that is filled with silence and the feeling of being completely on your own time. No one to cater to; to entertain or answer to. Just the morning air and sweet sweet quiet.

At least that's what i expected out of this morning when i had originally risen at 4am to make my way to the cafe to begin the process of readying the morning carbs for the breakfast rush. That didn't happen however when a frantic knock happened to sound at our door just as i was about to leave for the cafe and Jongdae was about to leave for a meeting with his department board.

One emergency explanation and a panicked Jongdae (who simply can't miss his meeting) later, and i now have my cafe kitchen invaded by a new guest. Minsun stands on the stool i grabbed to bring her high enough to see the counter. Her eyes are a bit cautious, but excited nonetheless. It's rare i let her in the kitchen when she comes to visit my cafe on Jongdae's days or when Yongsun stops by to chat and usually nab a free bagel.

Looking at her, i cant believe how much she's grown and how much she looks just like her father. It makes my heart flutter to see those eyes staring back at me, so unmistakably unique to the two of the people i love the most in this world.

In the years that Jongdae and i have been together now, I've come to love this little chaos goblin as my own. Now that I've basically been wrangled into the parent slot by a very insistent Yongsun and Jongdae. Their acceptance of me was extremely touching and unexpected, but it's worked out to be our new normal. They know me at Minsun's school and has me down as one of her guardians. I'm also included in all major decisions and have gotten on a fairly friendly basis with Minsun's grandparents since they've officially recognized me as Jongdae's partner now.

I never really saw the little family, the house in the suburbs, and picket fence with a dog type of life for myself. I was always so focused on my dreams that all of those things just never existed for me. I actually liked the idea of being on my own schedule with no one to consider but myself. The boys changed that for me. Once Chanyeol, Tao, and Kyungsoo came into the picture my idea of what home and family is changed. All of a sudden i was basically taking care of a whole group of boys. They're the ones that convinced me to take over the assistant coaching job for their fotball team. They're the ones who nominated my cafe to be their weekly hangout. They're the ones who barged into my life and took me in as one of their own.

They made me want that type of family. That family that's always there and will always be there. That family that never leaves anyone behind and shows up when you really need them. Like when my apartment when to shit. Those boys gave me a warm bed and an even warmer welcome into their lives like i was always meant to be there.

And i guess i was since it led me to Jongdae. A reconciliation i never saw coming and a second chance we both deserved. I love him with every inch of my being and i see every aspect of a future with him. A family, a house... a marriage.

I laugh at this of course. I admit i have not made it easy for the man. He's only proposed to me a handful more times since that first time he accidentally let it slip out. At this point, of course, I'd marry him tomorrow if it was required. But it's slight amusing as well as a marginal amount of payback for our younger years. He's also aware of this and is more than happy to play our little game we've developed. One day, when i see it in his eyes that he's dead serious and needs me to say yes, i will.

When it gets complicatedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora