Accidents happen (xiuchen)

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For once my precious coffee house doesn't feel as warm and welcoming as it usually does. My feet drag and my body moves like cement blocks through mud. My head screams at me and protests all movement, but I know I definitely need a days income after what happened last night.

"Hyung" Chanyeol's distressed, and way too loud voice greets me as I shuffle inside the already opened shop.

I had to call the boy this morning to see if he could open for me. I had a few things to take care of.

"Morning" I croak, feeling my exhaustion full force.

"You look awful" Chanyeol comments "is everything ok?"

I take a sigh and lug myself into a booth close to the counter "a main water pipe busted in my apartment last night around 2am and flooded the whole floor"

"Holy shit" Chanyeol exclaims "where did you stay last night? What about your stuff?"

"I managed to save most of my important things, like cloths and valuables, but everything else is ruined. I stayed at a hotel. Though I have a feeling I'm going to have to find something else... I can't afford to stay there while my landlord is getting it fixed. He owned up to it being old pipes and said he'd pay to get everything fixed and replaced, even my stuff, but it's going to be a few days... if not weeks"

"Oh, fuck" chanyeol curses, sitting down across from me.

"Language" I scold, but we both know I don't have any energy to make it actually sound threatening.

"That must have been awful. How much sleep are you riding on?" The taller asks, his eyes shining with concern.

I sigh and rub my temples "none. I've been awake since the sound of the pipe busting, woke me early this morning"

Chanyeol cringes and leans across the table, grabbing my hand "come stay with us, Hyung. We'll find a place for you at the fraternity"

A smile tugs at my lips from the sweetest offer, but I'm not so sure it's a good idea. Because I know who will be there if I were to crash with the boys for a while. Jongdae.

We've finally gotten into a friendly ground with one another. We have conversations when he comes in for his morning coffee, and I've even sat down with him when he eats lunch here every once in a while. Our relationship is making great progress and I'm content with this casual friendliness. I think sleeping under the same roof and being within breathing distance that often, would make it complicated and uncomfortable.

I pat Chanyeol's hands and stand up, wobbling slightly, but manage to stable myself under the alarmed gaze of my giant employee.

Offering him a slight smile that I hope is somewhat reassuring, I put my hands up and start to make my way back to my office.

"Hyung" the human puppy whines at me "please come stay with us for a while. You need a good nights sleep, and maybe some home cooked food in your belly. I'll get Soo to make you your favorite"

The offer is tempting, but I'm still hesitant. I really don't want to screw things up with Dae, and honestly... a man has his pride.

"Don't worry about me, Yeol. I'm a big boy. I'll figure something out"



The doorbell rings once more, and my mind grumbles as I head to retrieve it. From the sound of it, a wicked storm is waging outside and i at least have enough sympathy not to leave anyone out in this.

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