Truth and Titans (Kaisoo)

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The incessant ticking of the clock counts each second with painful accuracy, letting me know just how awkward this situation is with every timed metallic sound. Tao sits across from me, his spoon slowly picking up bites of cereal, while I attempt to make it seem like I'm not rushing through my eggs and toast. All of the other guys who had previously been in the kitchen with us, rushed away all at once to get to classes or their schedules on time. Leaving only the two of us, sitting in the same room, uncomfortably forced into each other's company. I'm pretty sure Tao has a class soon, too, but he's eating like he plans on being here all day.

Tao and I have never had a good relationship, and in all honesty I'm not sure I would even call it that. We have more of a silent agreement, a civil contract to tolerate one another. For the sake of the man we both care about, we make an effort to play nice.

It's no secret though, that Tao and I do not particularly get along when the reason for our truce isn't present. Tao gets on my nerves, it's not a fact that I hide, and even in most cases, I tend to openly express my exasperation towards the catlike diva. We've seemed to just gained this type of understanding with one another when we first entered the fraternity together, and never felt the need to change it or fix it.

Tao chews his cereal and releases a big sigh "when are you leaving?"

I nibble at my toast and avert my eyes. If it's one thing I hate more than social gatherings, it's small talk. "Tonight, after Yixing gets back from work. He wants to get a shift in since we'll be gone all weekend."

Tao nods, his thoughts seeming to overwhelm his facial features. "Are you going to see Kris before you leave? He has a full schedule today, but you know he'll be worried about you all weekend if you don't check in with him before you go."

"He'll be worried no matter wha..." I stop, unable to complete my thought and glance up, meeting Tao's intense gaze.

"You're important to Kris, Kyungsoo. We may not get along, but I respect how much you mean to my boyfriend." Tao explains, putting a little more force in his spoon, than he had before.

"We're just friends, Tao." I, for some odd reason, feel the need to clairify.

Tao takes a deep breath and finishes chewing a bite of cereal. "You know, I was so jealous when we all rushed together. You, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and me. I thought I would immediately get an upper hand because my boyfriend was one of the top ranking officers in the house. When he chose you as his little brother, instead of me, I didn't talk to him for three days... did you know that?"

I shake my head. I knew that Tao wasn't happy about it, and I even had conversations with Kris about whether or not is was the best idea. Kris had assured me though, that Tao would get over it and eventually come around, "it's better this way. Having Tao as my second would just be a huge conflict of interest." Kris had told me back then, and he was right. Things evened out and eventually normalized and I never questioned how Tao interpreted Kris and my relationship after that again, assuming that everything was fine. I didn't even perceive the possibility that I could have been wrong.

Tao glances up at me, his piercing eyes boring into my own. "I came around to the idea about Kris and you being so close, understanding that Kris needed you in his life, and I hate to admit it, but you make him happy. Call me selfish for wanting to be the only one who makes Kris smile as brightly as he does when you walk into a room, but I carried a hatred towards you for a long time, Kyungsoo."

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