Formation of Galaxies (kaisoo)

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Chatter fills the empty space in the back of my mind. I tune most of it out in favor of looking over my notes from the previous class, so I'm refreshed on where we are. I'm used to this type of situation.

Everyone around me living their lives, socializing, enjoying steady conversation with their friends. I've never been the type, except for a few instances where Yeol or Kris took a class with me, to get to know my classmates. I prefer solitude. The less people to crowd into my space, the less distractions there are to pull me away from making top marks.

School has always been important to me. My parents never had much growing up. I had to write my own way in this world. I was raised by strong willed, powerful woman who had to fight for what they have in this world. I guess that cultivates a desire and a drive in someone when they grow up around it.

I don't resent my upbringing, actually i embrace it. I recognize how hard it is for someone like me to be taken seriously in this field. But school is my way to prove them wrong. My work will stand its own ground and i won't let anyone take that from me. My mothers, Aunts, and grandmother raised me better than that.

Abruptly i notice the tone in the room change. Instead of loud, casual conversation, it's replaced with low, gossiping type whispers and giggles. I sigh and pick up my pencil making a few corrections to my notes. I know what their topic of gossip is because it happens every time. Jongin.

It's like I can feel his presence without even having to look up. I attempt to block them out and focus on the papers in front of me, but all of my productivity flitters from my mind when i hear the seat next to mine scrap across the floor. A puff of air blows my hair and notes a few centimeters as someone drops down into the chair like a slinky dropping from someone's hand. I blink and slowly turn my head to find Jongin sat next to me, that beautiful careless ease stretched across his features and he reclines on his seat like a model trying to appear lazy.

Fuck. It's working. He looks perfect. Like a god who's attempting to fit in with the mortals and has no idea he sticks out like a sore thumb. He's too beautiful. Today he's just dressed in a pair of tight, vintage washed jeans and a casual white band T-shirt. I'm pretty sure it's Baekhyun's with how short it sits, just above his pants line, showing a small peek of his stomach. His hair is pushed around carelessly on his head, messy, yet it looks intentional. I know for a fact that this boy just woke up not too long ago, so i know it wasn't. Curse this boy and how damn attractive he is without even trying.

Jongin listlessly types away at his phone and settles whatever he was doing on it before he places it on the table (face up?) and snaps his attention to me. An easy, fond smile pulls at his lips and his eyes soften, lighting up a bit. My heart stutters.

"Good afternoon, Soo. How was your other class?" He asks in his boyish tone. It reminds me of how a child would talk to a friend, gentle, yet excited.

My subconscious luckily knows better than me and shakes the fog out of my thoughts. Even if i still can't believe Jongin is really here, talking and giving all of his attention to me, it doesn't mean i have to act like a inept dumbass. Eventually I'll have to get used to the fact that for some fucking reason, this boy chose me and wants me just as much as i do him.

"It was unproductive. My teacher insisted on playing YouTube videos all class about a current event i didn't care enough to pay attention to. I ended up studying for a test i have next week." I explain.

Jongin snorts and tilts his head. "Do you ever take a break?"

I stare at him blankly, unwavering and shrug. "Some of us don't have the luxury of skating by on our looks." I tease, casually going back to my reviewing.

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