Lock down (Toris)

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'Tick, tick, tick.' The sound echoes in the back of my head, mocking me.

Time stretches. Seconds have turned into minutes, and minutes into hours. The clock ticks by tortuously, reminding us of the suffocating silence weighing down on our shoulders. The longer we sit here, the more I feel helpless.

'Just talk to me' i want to scream. 'Say anything. Yell at me. Tell me you hate me. Just say something.' I want to tell him. Anything than this silence. I can't take this anymore, but i don't feel like being the one to say something first will help this.

A sigh finds my lips for the millionth time, and i glance towards the window. It's getting later in the day. We've been here since early morning. I've watched the shadows from the sun move from one to the other side of the floor. Still nothing. Kris holds in his stubborn silence, and here we are, still locked in our room, not a word has been said.

This morning I was awoken to Sehun dragging me, literally dragging me, blanket and all, out of bed and down the hallway. He threw me into Kris's bedroom and slammed the door. Sehun then
demanded that we get our shit together. He said we are dividing the house, and that we need to fix this. They took our phones, our laptops, and have locked us in our room. Held hostage with our hearts binding us. Sehun stands guard outside, (He sat down against the door a while ago, and it makes me feel regretful towards him.) so there's no running from this.

There's nothing to distract us from the matter at hand. All that's left to do is talk, but silence is all I've gotten since Kris bolted out of bed at the sound of me clattering onto the floor when i was pushed in here this morning.

Kris doesn't seem to want to talk to me. He won't even look at me... This was a brilliant plan.

There's a wall between us. I haven't seen a wall since the first time Kris and i was forced to stay in the same room together. We fought the entire time we were doing that project. Gods, i hated him back then. I thought he was just a pretentious asshole, who wanted nothing more than to make my life difficult. I wasn't wrong, but i wasn't right either. There was so many layers to Kris that i didn't know... that i still don't know. I thought that since he let me past one wall i was in, but it turns out that Kris has a labyrinth of walls blocking people out. I wonder if i'll ever get to know all of him.

I hear muffled voices outside the door, followed by a drawn out sigh. Yixing.

"I'm taking Sehun to get some food. He hasn't eaten all day. This is getting ridiculous, guys. Just fucking talk to each other." Yixing calls from the other side of the heavy wooden barrier.

Silence follows their leave, and it's almost funny at how fitting that is. More silence...at least until...

"Did you sleep with him while we were together?" Kris's voice comes out like a brick scraping across pavement. It almost hurts at how harsh it is.

My eye twitches at how enraging the idea that he could even think such a thing. "I didn't fucking cheat on you, Kris. It was before we got together."

Kris's lip curls and he takes a large breath. "How long before?"

The disbelieving breath that leaves me, makes his arm twitch. "The night before."

He freezes, his eyes shifting like he's trying to figure out some large math equation. "After i told you i loved you for the first time, you immediately went and hopped into bed with Baekhyun?" My mouth drops open, and  i huff another pissed laugh out, before Kris continues to further shove his own head up his ass. "All this time... i thought i was your first. I thought i was your only... but now i find out it's... it's fucking Baekhyun." Kris says, still not looking at me. "I thought i was that important person for you. The person you lost you virginity to. I know you probably think it's a stupid thing to focus on, but to me i loved that you were mine and only mine. That no one else had touched you, had seen and felt you the way i had. But now i know that as soon as i revealed the truth to you, came out to you, and told you i loved you... you fucked Baekhyun that very night?"

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