Keeping you close but yet so far (sulay)

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My eyes scan the room, passing easily over anyone who's too mediocre and unimportant to be the beautiful boy I'm looking for. I've been all over campus, thinking of anywhere he could possibly be. I'm used to having my little shadow follow me around, and unfortunately didn't get the opportunity to do the same. There are only a few places I know that he visits on his own regard.

Luckily though, I finally find the person I've been searching all over for. The day is late, the sun starting to set through the library, casting a golden glow across the scattered tables and students occupying them, from the large wall of windows on one side of the large room.

I'm a little disappointed in Yixing. When I told him that I want to be close with him, it wasn't a suggestion, and the idea that he can't follow a simple order irritates me. It might be a bit controlling of me, but I expect certain demands to be met of those I make them for. Yixing is no exception, though it doesn't entirely surprise me.

I idle over to his table, watching the subtle movement of his lips as he attempts to figure out a rather complicated looking math problem. It wouldn't be difficult for me, but for someone like Yixing, I can tell mathematics isn't his area of expertise.

I lean over him slightly, going through all of the steps on the paper, and finding exactly where he went wrong, which is why he's angrily mumbling at the paper. I silently chuckle and grab his hand with the pencil in it, and fix the problem for him. He watches the entire time, not once looking up at me with surprise or confusion, just intently watches his problem fix itself.

I finish the problem and set it up for him to solve the rest, and he nods briskly, uttering a small "oh, ok" then proceeds to solve the problem.

I smile, amused at the boy. I never seem to find enough qualities about Yixing that doesn't interest me to some degree. Yixing just has this casual innocence about him, it's refreshing really.

I wait patiently for Yixing to connect the dots in his head and when he does, those large eyes briskly turn to me, staring in shock and awe. He seems to go through a whole battery of emotions, but doesn't know how to voice any of them.

"Hello, Yixing." I say casually, still leaning over him, probably way too close for him to be comfortable, but there's a sort of excitement in watching him squirm.

Yixing blinks at me, and opens his mouth, only to produce a helpless squeak, one that I can't help but be charmed by.

I regard Yixing calmly and order him to pack up his things, then to follow me. I wait for only a second, before Yixing obeys to my delight. Clearly he does know how to listen, so why has he decided to go against what i told him the last time we met?

Yixing follows me out of the building, and down the street to a little bistro place. My father owns the building, and is good friends with the owner, so they tend to wait on me with uttermost devotion. A good display of power might help Yixing sober up to who he's dealing with. I don't find it to be cocky, but realistic about who I am and what my name can do.

I glance back at Yixing periodically on our way to the cafe, checking to see if he's behaving. Each time I'm amused to find him pathetically holding his book bag to his chest, while staring at me with a confused, deer in the headlights look on his face. It's cute.

Walking inside the upscale bistro gives me a sense of pride. The staff fluster around me, calling me master Kim and attending to my every need. It would normally be embarrassing to be treated like this in front of a friend, but I know Yixing needs to see the affect I have.

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