Sundays at Baek's (Baekyeol)

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A long suffering sigh escapes my lips, as I lean against the counter and once again organize the straws by color (since Tao insists on ordering rainbow variety packs) to give me something to do. Sunday mornings are always the worst at El D's because it's too early for students to drag themselves out of bed just for a cup of coffee, and all of the university staff has the day off. The afternoons liven up a bit, especially when Soo starts making food, but until then, I'm stuck in this hell.

I groan out loud, letting my head fall to the counter, because I hate not doing anything... Like I seriously might go insane with boredom soon.

I'm contemplating on going back into the kitchen to bother Kyungsoo, but also wondering if the possibility of being shoved into the industrial bread oven again will be worth it, when Minseok stalks into the coffee shop. His feet hit the ground in heavy near stomps as he makes his way towards the front counter. He stops at the pastry display case and opens the small door a little too forcefully.

Minseok pulls out a mocha bun and shuts the case, before lifting the sweet to his mouth about to take a large bite.

"Hyung" I call, stopping him before he can bite down on the sugary treat. His eyes lift to mine, slowly. Minseok glares at me, as if he's waiting for me to challenge his actions.

I swallow hard and clear my throat "y-you said those are for paying customers only and that we shouldn't eat them... I-I just don't want you to be regretful later for eating it when you shouldn't have"

Minseok blinks at me, as if contemplating my death in a million possibles ways. His stare stays locked on mine as he slowly steps over to the cash register, reaches into his pocket and pulls out a couple notes. Minseok then opens the register, places the notes inside and slams the drawer closed all without his eyes wavering from mine for a single second.

I try to hold it in, I really do, but my mouth moves on autopilot. I won't even blame Minseok if he decides to punch me in the face at this point "enjoy your pastry, Hyung"

Minseok stares at me with almost wide disbelieving eyes, as if he's questioning if anyone can really be as stupid as he thinks I am right now. The answer to this question is yes, yes they can be.

"Go fuck yourself, Chanyeol" he says directly, then takes a bite of his bun, and finally breaks eye contact, walking to his office and slamming the door.

I cringe at the sound and blink rapidly at the counter in front of me, trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

Glancing around the cafe, I find Kyungsoo leaning against the doorframe between the kitchen and the front counter. He shakes his head at me and rolls his eyes, walking back into the kitchen without a word said, but leaving the weight of his silence to press down on me.

Bickering follows his absence, and I wonder if I want to waste the energy to go break those two up, or if I want to wait it out and see if it dissipates on its own.

Just a few more hours and I get to be with Baekhyun, I remind myself, pleasantly smiling at the thought. At least there's something to get me through today, and as I hear Tao's high pitch screaming from the back, pleading with Kyungsoo not to turn 'it' on, quickly followed by the loud buzz of an industrial mixer and more loud screaming, I realize it might be the only thing to get me through today.



I stretch out, yawning a bit from being still for so long and shake my head. I hadn't realized how long I've been reading, but as I look out the large window in the living room, I realize just how low the sun is hanging in the sky. We'll need to head over to my parents soon, which quickly makes me wonder where Chanyeol is, it's not like him to be late.

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