Might as well join me (Sulay)

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I've walked this road a million times, this rout feeling as familiar as walking home does. Every corner, twist, and bend of the street. Every crack in the pavement, writing littering the buildings on the way. Every detail is memorized and I could walk it blindfolded if I wasn't so keen on watching Junmyeon's every movement as we head to the usual destination.

The first time I followed him down this road, I was just curious about where he was going, what he was doing. But after a while it became our routine, our thing so to say.

Every Thursday at the same time, this is what I do. I follow Junmyeon to the same street vendor tent and eat at another table a decent amount of distance away from him, while I silently watch him eat alone. At least this is how I use to spend my Thursday nights. Lately I've been pulling back, I've been keeping my distance.

I decided that this is what's best for the both of us, for me to finally let go of Junmyeon and stop chasing around someone who doesn't even know I exist... Though one last Thursday won't hurt, right? One last night at our place, one last meal to send us off properly, in different directions. Even if he doesn't even know we've walked the same path many times before.

I sigh and watch my shoes pat rhythmically against the ground, the slight want to dance pulling at my muscles, but I push it away. Today I'm with Junmyeon and I won't waste a single moment of our last night together.

I look up and smile slightly at the view in front of me. Because I know this route so well, it gives me the perfect chance to admire the perfection that is Junmyeon's body. I've only seen him take his shirt off twice, but I know there are abs under those bulky sweaters and dress shirts he wears.

Just imagining Junmyeon's tightly toned body makes my mouth water. I want to run my tongue across the patruding muscles, and bite at the skin that's pulled taunt around them.

"You know, all of the times you've followed me here and you've never had the balls to join me?" A voice suddenly asks, breaking me out of my straying thoughts.

I stop abruptly and hold my breath, just realizing the footsteps ahead of me have stopped as well. I can't help but hope to Gods he'll keep walking and is somehow miraculously talking to someone else. I mean a man as perfect as Junmyeon has to have multiple stalkers right?

"Are you going to say anything? Or are you going to keep pretending like I don't see you?" He asks and I suddenly look up, to meet the gaze of the man I've been obsessing over for the past year, actually acknowledging my existence for the first time.

Junmyeon smirks, like he's enjoying his own private joke. "Well since we're both on our way there, you might as well join me."

My breath catches in my throat, and I stay rooted in my spot, even after he turns around and starts waking once again.

What am I suppose to do here? There's no online forum that explains what you are suppose to do once the person you're stalking actually confronts you. And they definitely don't explain what happens when the stalkie invites you to dinner.

"Yixing, this is the last time I'll ask nicely, please come with me." He calls over his shoulder and the warning in his voice nearly has me tripping over myself to catch up to him.

I stay a couple of steps behind him till we reach the tent that is familiar yet oddly different at the same time. He walks inside and I follow, the irony of it is almost funny, I'm always following him it seems.

"Sit." He orders when he reaches his normal table, and his authoritative, 'don't fuck with me' tone keeps me from turning around and running away like I desperately want to do.

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