It's only kidnap if you're mad about it (xiuchen)

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Chanyeol's breath and my own mix together in a large cloud of mist. Our labored huffs echoing off the ally walls as we move towards my car.

"Fuck, Chen. I'm not sure i can go any further." Chanyeol protests, his arms trembling and threatening to give out any second from the strain, as he braces himself against the wall for a second.

I groan and shift my weight, trying to take some of the work out of his hands for a few beats "we're almost there, Yeol. Come on, you can do this." I say in a hushed voice, trying to keep quiet in the early morning, not wanting to get caught doing such a thing in broad daylight.

Chanyeol whines and flexes his arms, shifting the weight around, as I pull away for a second. He gives me a desperate look, clearly telling me to hurry up. "It's too much."

I roll my eyes at the over-dramatic crybaby. "I know you can take more than this, I've seen you do it many times. Relax and quit tensing, you're only making it worse."

Chanyeol groans and lowers his head, shifting his weight once more. "Please just hurry."

I hum, and turn around, opening the car door. I push the seat back, and move out of the way just in time to watch Chanyeol, wobbly legs and all, put a very much passed out Minseok into the passenger seat of my car. Minseok garbles a bit in his sleep and rolls onto his side slightly. Cute.

Once i get the seatbelt fashioned around him, i step back and observe a very sore looking Chanyeol, who's currently rubbing relief into his arms. A part of me feels bad for making him carry Minseok all the way to my car, mostly by himself, but another part of me knows that i wouldn't have had the strength to carry him dead weight across the cafe to the back exit on my own.

"Thanks, Yeol. Trust me, i know he's heavier than he looks when he's passed out." I say, helping Chanyeol rub some blood back into his bicep.

Chanyeol shakes his head and stares at a still sleeping Minseok, now drooling on my leather interior. Adorable. "Just take care of him. He hasn't slept properly in four days and has been working nonstop. He needs this."

I pat Chanyeol's shoulder and nod, "I'll make sure he gets the rest he needs, though with the way he's sleeping, he might not need it. I'm surprised he stayed out with all of the whining you did while bringing him out here."

Chanyeol pouts at me for the jibe, before a sheepish look crosses his face. "I might have slipped some sleep medicine in his coffee this morning when he wasn't paying attention."

I blink steadily ahead before slowly turning my gaze on my younger student "i don't know whether to be impressed or pissed..." i sigh and shake my head "I'm going to leave before I decide it's pissed."

"Bye, Hyung. See you Sunday." Chanyeol waves, his smile way too excited to watch me leave.

My eyes narrow on instinct and i point a finger at the boy, threateningly "You guys better fucking behave while I'm gone. I swear to god, Chanyeol. You guys better be like virgins at bible school, or so help me..."

"Got it, dad. We'll behave. Promise." Chanyeol grins and waves at me as I get into the car, praying that i won't be called to bail one, if not all of those idiots out of jail this weekend.


Okay, so realistically this might not have been the best idea. When Chanyeol had first introduced this gem of a plan to me, I'd thought it sounded good, fun even. But now, as i stare at Minseok's ridged back, overhearing faint angry sounding murmurs, I'm second guessing a few things.

The drive down here was pleasant, with Minseok sleeping most of the time. The scenery outside the car, plush and green as we passed small towns and farms, eventually giving way to costal views and more populated cities. I hummed pleasantly along with the radio the whole way, feeling lighter and lighter the further we get from Seoul. Don't get me wrong, i love the city and it will always be my home, but when I'm there the heavy burden of responsibilities stretch me a bit thin sometimes. It's nice to get away. Or, at least i felt that way, until my slumbering passenger fell back into consciousness.

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