Movie night (Chanbaek)

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I fidget with the pillows on the couch and then get the TV all set up, not so patiently waiting for my pain in the ass of a best friend to quit jacking around in his room and come join me. Like seriously, that boy once wore the same t-shirt for an entire week, so i know he's not making himself presentable, so what the heck is he be doing? I shake my head, deciding that i don't want to know, it's probably best for our friendship that i don't.

It's Saturday evening, which means that Chanyeol and I don't have class, and I don't go into work till ten. It's been this way since last year, so we kind of turned it into a tradition to have movie night every Saturday, just the two of us. We are so busy with our schedules usually that we don't always get to spend time together like we use to, so time like this is special to us, because it's important that we keep our friendship intact.

It's Chanyeol's weekend to pick, but he's messing around upstairs, doing god knows what, instead of getting his ass down here so we can get on with this. I'm not a person known for my patience, and that boy is stretching mine to a breaking point.

I huff and stand up walking to the bottom of the stairs "Yeol, if you're not down here in two minutes I'm starting the movie without you" I yell up at the boy, making sure to lay the annoyance thick into my tone.

I hear a string of curses followed by a couple of bangs that sound like they would hurt, and then Chanyeol is present at the top of the stairs, in a pair of sweats and a fitted T-shirt that makes heat shoot straight to my groin.

I turn around and force my stirring erection to chill the fuck out "come on Baek, be patient, you know I've been wanting to see this movie" he wines.

'Aww, how cute is that' i catch myself cooing internally, but quickly scold my internal fangirl that wants nothing more than to confess to the stupid idiot, just before pushing him onto my bed and.... 'Stop it'

I force out a chuckle instead and roll my eyes at his usual childlike behavior "you have till the popcorn is ready, use your time wisely" I head into the kitchen, hearing a few more curses and the pounding footsteps of my dork of a best friend hurrying to finish whatever the hell he's up to.

I chuckle genuinely this time, shaking my head at him. Honestly I don't understand that out of all the people in the world, how I had to fall for that giant walking fail. The popcorn slowly starts to make cute little popping sounds, which prompts my ass to start moving on its own accord, eventually making me wiggle my hips to the point of almost vibrating.

I startle at a deep husky chuckle behind me and feel large hands encase my hips "careful, if you keep moving your ass like that I'm going to have to bend you over right here on the counter, and then your popcorn will burn"

I roll my eyes and slap the hands away "go find some other play thing tonight Kai, I'm having a movie night with Yeol"

"So you choose hanging out with that loser over hanging off my dick?" Kai asks smirking and leaning back against the counter to look me in the eyes.

I nod, crossing my arms defiantly "yes, actually this may be news to you Kai, but not everyone is as obsessed with your dick as you are"

Kai scoffs, throwing his head back dramaticly "lies, i'm sure that storage room still echoes with the sounds of your moans, we both know better"

I shake my head, trying to keep the heat wanting to spread across my cheeks from presenting itself and making me lose the upper hand "it was ok, I give it a passing grade, but you won't make valedictorian sweetie"

Kai narrows his eyes, leaning towards me, suddenly making my throat a little restricted "maybe you need a reminder then"

A little squeak falls from my mouth without permission, and i take an involuntary step back. Something in his eyes lights up and he moves toward me. Every single protest I have in my vocabulary is just sitting on the edge of my tongue, waiting to be forced out, along with maybe a fist or two. But I can't find my voice, it's stuck in my throat, along with my stomach.

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