Asking for help (Kaisoo)

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I should have known how this day would end up when I ran into Chanyeol outside our fraternity nearly having a panic attack. It was almost like one giant warning sign telling me to go back inside the house, crawl under my blankets, and hide from the dangers of the world.

My theory is proved right when I end up in my English class, faced with one of the most testing situations I've ever experienced.

English is a class that I excel in, and I even have the grades to prove it. I love this class, but when the semester began there was no mistaking that the presence of one very tanned, godlike boy in said class, would make it very hard to concentrate some days. Though I still maintain my top of the class rank, it's just distracting to have someone so damn hot sitting a few seats away from you.

I push through it though, focusing on my work, and ignoring one really toned distraction. But when said boy suddenly approaches me, out of the blue on a free study day, I find my body frozen, my mind in jumbles, and my focus completely shattered.

"Hey... Kyungsoo right? You're Chanyeol's best friend?" Jongin inquires, letting a small smile form on his lips and it's abruptly way too hot in this room.

"U-uh, y-yeah... I'm Kyungsoo, and yes he's my friend, though I think the 'best' tittle is taken by Baekhyun" I state wanting to face palm by how useless my brain is being at the moment.

Jongin's smile deepens, which leads me to attempting to look anywhere but at his lips "that's great. Hey, listen, I heard from the professor that you're at the top of this class"

I swallow hard, cursing myself for being so nerdy for the first time in my life "I am"

He nods thoughtfully "well I was wondering..." he scratches at the back of his neck nervously, while I fight off the urge to coo at the cute action "I was wondering if you would help me out... like tutor me a bit because I really need this class to graduate and we're in the same fraternity, isn't there some law about helping out a bro?"

I chuckle despite my body being racked with awkward anxiety "sure I'll help, but not just because we're in the same fraternity"

Jongin sighs out happily, seeming relieved "great, uh... here"

He reaches for my notebook I had been taking notes in, also seizing my pen, and starts to write something down on the top of the page "I would like to start as soon a possible, my parents have been on my ass bad about keeping my grades up, but I have to work tonight so maybe we could do it tomorrow?"

I blink at his abruptness "s-sure."

He grins, and I swear my heart nearly stops. "Awesome, text me later with the time and place."

I nod, dazed, watching him walk away when a sudden thought pops into my head "wait..." I call out getting his attention along with most of the class making me realize I might have said that a bit loud. I look around shyly and awkwardly fidgit in my chair, until Jongin shoots them an annoyed look that immediately makes everyone focus their attention elsewhere.

I sit there for a few seconds in awe over how much influence this guy has over people, but then quickly snap out of it when I notice Jongin giving me an expectant look.

I shake my head clear. "I d-don't have your number."

He smirks and points down, forcing my eyebrows to knit and follow his finger, till I'm staring down at my notebook with a bunch of numbers written across it and a name scrawled over them 'Jongin'

My mouth forms and 'o' and I nod, looking up meeting Jongin's gaze, nearly having a heart attack when I find a smirk etched into those beautiful lips of his.

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