spark (Toris)

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"Remind me again why you just had to pull me out of a class for this?" Chanyeol asks, picking up a random object off a nearby shelf and examining it closely.

I groan at the tall oaf and grab him by the shirt collar just as he's setting the object down, almost losing his grip on it before it settles safely last minute on the shelf "try being a little less obvious, will you?"

Chanyeol rolls his eyes "Kris, I love you like a brother, but dude, don't be stupid. We're both really freaking tall, I think our very existence is obvious"

I close my eyes, reminding myself to stay calm, before opening them slowly, "at least try to duck behind something or act less like... You"

Chanyeol raises an eyebrow "I'm not sure if that was meant to be an insult, but considering that you're losing your shit right now, I'll let it slide"

I reach up and flick the awkward dork in the head "just focus please"

"Ok, ok, fine.... What are we doing here again?" He asks, turning back to the subject at hand.

I glance over the display of towels we are hid behind and risk a peek at the subject at hand "we are watching over Tao and his 'friend' while they shop"

"So we're spying on your boyfriend and his friend, because you're a jealous monster who can't be contained?" Chanyeol asks, sounding exasperated, and turns around letting his back rest against the display, not at all doing what I brought him here to do.

I roll my eyes "i'm not jealous... i just... something about that guy, i just don't trust him with Tao. Tao's too sweet and gullible, he'll trust anyone, especially when they show interest in the things he's interested in"

Chanyeol snorts unhelpfully "whatever you have to tell yourself, hyung. You promised to feed me and honestly that's the only reason i'm here"

I pinch the bridge of my nose and glance over at the man who is becoming more and more like his best friend Baekhyun everyday (which is something i didn't think was possible).

"What?" he asks innocently, looking up at me with wide eyes "i'm just being honest"

I reach over and pinch his ear, dragging his ass off the floor and forcing him to turn around "just pay attention, will you?"

"Ok, ok. damn, you and your fucking yaoi hands" he exclaims, rubbing his ear with a wince, but focuses as i ask.

A sigh leaves my lips at how ridiculous I feel right now. It's not that i don't trust Tao, i know he's an adult and can make his own decisions, but sometimes Tao can be a little too impressionable. He has a tendency to trust people so completly without even thinking twice about it, and i worry about him. Don't get me wrong, it's one of the things i love about him, but people are just too quick to take advantage.

Maybe i'm also a little concerned that Tao might actually enjoy the company of someone else, just because it's new and different. With the way we've kind of drifted from one another recently and the lack of communication... what if Tao really doesn't love me like he use to. What if he finds that he likes talking to this guy and enjoys doing the things they have in common and we lose years together because Tao finds something new to move on to? Tao's known to drop things easily when they get boring or too complicated, so my worry is reasonable, but i still feel childish ducking behind an advertising display to hide, while stalking my boyfriend.

Though the possible loss of my pride doesn't mean i'm going to give up my little stake out. I'm far too curious about how these two interact with each other and if there's a possible spark that shouldn't be there. I want to know if i need to be ready to fight or if it really is my stupid worries and insecurities getting in my head once again.

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