One Day (xiuchen)

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Jongdae's face is comically shocked with his eyes wide and his hands slapped over his mouth. "Ohmygod. I'm sorry. That just popped out. I was... i was just overwhelmed. I'm sorry. Please don't leave me." He lets out a despairing whine and i can't help but laugh at him.

"Jongdae, breathe. It's okay." I chuckle at his adorable ramblings. "Maybe we should wait on that, but I'm flattered to say the least."

"I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry." Jongdae says, his face crimson.

I snort and reach out, running my thumb across his cheek. "It's okay. Really. I'm not going anywhere. Just put that on the back burner and ask again later, maybe."

Jongdae's features melt into a shy yet pleased grin and i feel a bubbly feeling settle in my stomach. This beautiful, wonderfully sweet man is mine. He wants me to share a life with him and though the proposal was a bit premature, the idea that he sees a permanent future for us is severely endearing. How could i not love someone like Jongdae so completely?

The image of our wedding floats into my mind and a smile tugs at my lips. One day. We have all the time in the world to get to that. Right now, I'm just happy existing by this man's side.

I sigh out happily and lean forward, resting my head on Jongdae's shoulder. He wraps his arms around me and my body surrenders to the exhaustion I've been in denial over for the past week. Clearly, this whole thing has stressed me out a little more than i thought.

Everything came at me all at once. Jongdae having a kid. Said kid being the cutest bean who I'd fight to the death for. Jongdae's ex coming with a whole bucket of baggage and emotional damage. And Jongdae through all of this finally telling me the one thing I've wanted to hear since the day i first laid eyes on his beautiful face.

I'm still in disbelief that this man loves me. Really loves me. Maybe he always did but was too afraid of himself to allow us to get close. All of that is in the past, though.

I breathe out a sigh as some of the tension slides off of my shoulders. It's all in the past. The hurt, the "what if's", the mistakes. We made them. We did them. It's done and now we get to move forward making a whole new list of mistakes.

That's the thing about life. None of us have it figured out. Plans never go as you want. Life never happens easily. We fuck up regularly. And that's okay. That's exceptional, actually. Those mistakes changed us. Molded us. Taught us. We are who we are because of our grand fuck ups and sometimes our mistakes are blessings in disguise.

The past should never be something we hold on to. We did what we did. It's done. There's no going back, but we can learn from it and do better going forward. I realize what i want now. There's no plan. There's no blueprint. There's just one thing i want going forward.

"I want to fuck up every day and evolve into the best version of myself with you. Fucking up, together, moving forward. Let's make that our one and only definite plan, how does that sound?" I say, pulling away and watching Jongdae's beautiful crescent eyes widen and crackle like lightning in the night sky.

"That sounds perfect, Minnie. I'd be honored to fuck up with you for as long as you'll have me." Jongdae says, his voice like honey dripping over my ribcage and flooding my heart.

My cheeks hurt from how hard i smile and soon Jongdae lips find mine, sealing our promise.



The door swings open and I'm met with a curious, yet not surprised eyebrow raise, which is not too dissimilar from his younger brother's. He appraises me for only a second before giving me a soft smile and stepping aside allowing me to enter the apartment.

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